Leeds / Moody News: Easter and Spring Break events throughout the area

This weekend is Good Friday and Easter, when we commemorate and celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus was the only person who walked on this earth who was fully human and fully God – the only one capable of atoning our sin. Many want to deny this, and God gave us a free will to believe or not to believe. 

Let’s not go through this Easter season without at least reading and meditating on the Bible verse John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting Life.” This could change your life.

Kut Ups Downtown Leeds is partnering with Leeds First United Methodist Church to provide hygiene items for Backpack Buddies. Items needed: Full size products, unisex products, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste and soap. Please drop off your items between now and April 30.

The City of Leeds and the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce conducted a ribbon cutting at The Wellhouse in Leeds last week. The Wellhouse is a non-profit organization that provides rescue and recovery for people who are victims of sex trafficking. For more information, please visit their website at TheWellhouse.org.

Jamie Langley, Channel 42 News Anchor, was the guest speaker for the Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce chamber luncheon last week.

The Moody Area Chamber of Commerce High School Ambassadors toured Guaranteed Labels last week and learned about their company. For more information about Guaranteed Labels, please visit their website at guaranteedlabels.com.

Last month, the Leeds/Moody Realtors Caravan held its annual Chili Cook-off and Silent Auction and raised approximately $3,000 for The Children’s Place and Leeds Outreach. Jim Ferguson won the first place $50 gift card. Second place went to Billy Shute who was the previous champion in 2014 and Larry Golden won third place. The Caravan would like to thank all who attended and donated to make this fundraiser a success.

Monday, March 28, Spring Break begins for St. Clair County Schools and Leeds City Schools.

If you are a student in grades 7-12, join the fun with the River Campus for ELEVATE Staycation each night of Spring Break. Monday, March 28, is Paintball and iHOP Night; Tuesday, March 29 – Movie Night; Wednesday, March 30 – ELEVATE Student Activities and Sonic; Thursday, March 31 – Bonfire Night and Friday, April 1 is Bowling Night. Low-cost fun all week long and most activities will begin at 6:30 p.m. You do not have to be a Member of the River Campus to participate. Please call Sara Bunt, Student Director, at (205) 473-1260 for more information and to RSVP. The River Campus of Eden Westside Baptist Church is located in Leeds on Highway 78 just past the Shops of Grand River.

Moody City Council Meeting is scheduled at 6 p.m. on Monday, March 28, at Moody City Hall.

The Leeds Masonic Lodge Community Breakfast is scheduled for 8 a.m. next Saturday, April 2. Breakfast is free, but donations would be appreciated. All donations stay in the City of Leeds community involvement programs. Contact T. V. Weaver for more information at (205) 699-6742.

City of Leeds Roadside Cleanup 2016 has been scheduled for Saturday, April 2, from 8 a.m.-noon. Volunteers are needed. Bring gloves; wear long pants and no open-toed shoes. Bags will be provided. Meet at Leeds City Hall.

Leeds Youth Cheerleading Registration is scheduled for April 7, from 5:30-7 p.m. at Leeds Civic Center. For more, please contact Leslie Miller at (205) 706-9432 or Pam Saunier at (205) 960-3976.

Moody High School Band is hosting their Inaugural Moody Band Program Mattress Fundraiser on Saturday, April 9, from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. at the Moody High School Gym. For more, please visit their Facebook page at facebook.com/cfsanniston.

Miracles in Motion Moody Miracle League 5k Run and 1 Mile event for a great cause is scheduled for Saturday, April 16. To register, purchase a sponsorship or obtain more information, please visit runsignup.com/Race/AL/Trussville/MiraclesInMotion5K.

Miss Creek Bank Pageant 2016 will be held at 2 p.m. on April 16, at Leeds High School Auditorium for Birth through 12th Grade. Each division will have three alternates along with the crowned winner. All contestants will be given a participation crown. For official rules and to download application, please visit leedsareachamber.com or contact Sandra McGuire at (205) 699-5001.

Tickets are now available for LadyBUGS Annual Charity Luncheon & Fashion Show, which is scheduled for Tuesday, April 19, at Cedar Grove Baptist Church. This annual event is hosted by the Leeds/Moody Professional Women and proceeds will go to fund scholarships for Leeds and Moody high school girls. Please contact me at (256) 345-3993 for tickets, which are $25 each.

Attention: Golfers! There’s still time to sign up for a golf team or hole sponsor for the Moody Masters Golf Tournament, which is scheduled for Monday, April 18, at Trussville Country Club (rain date April 25). Proceeds from the tournament will go to the Moody Area Chamber of Commerce to fund the High School Ambassador Program along with other chamber programs. Price increases after April 1 so please contact me at (256) 345-3993 if you would like to sign up for a golf team or hole sponsor.

Vendors and Entertainers are wanted for the 22nd Annual Creek Bank Festival scheduled for Saturday, May 14, at Leeds Memorial Park (Rain Date: May 21). There will be plenty of fun for everyone with live entertainment, food, arts and crafts, all types of vendors, mascot challenge, sweets bake-off, moon pie eating contest, dog pageant, kids activities, teen hangout, games and more. You will not want to miss this opportunity to showcase your business so please contact Sandra McGuire at (205) 699-5001 or download vendor application at LeedsAreaChamber.com.

The Inaugural Cruising the Creek Car Show will be held Saturday, May 16, in conjunction with the Creek Bank Festival. This event is sponsored by C & C Motor Company to benefit the Backpack Buddies charity. For more information, please contact Chris or Christy McCombs at (205) 365-7412 or (205) 283-0952.

Job Opening: Valley View Baptist Church is seeking a full time Weekday Education Program Director. Submit resume/questions to jennifer.freind@valleyviewbaptist.com. The deadline for resumes is April 3.

Thought for the Week: “Duct Tape may patch a lot of things, but three nails fixed it all…” ~ Unknown

I truly appreciate each of you who read my column and I really love sharing news so please remember to send your Leeds and Moody news to me at leedsmoodynews@gmail.com. See you next week!


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