Latest Editorials


Our view: Test for radon now

Radon is a radioactive gas that is colorless, odorless and tasteless. And it’s a problem in Alabama’s homes. ...


Our view: Words to live by

The question of what you can do for others, and how you get there, was one that Martin ...


Our view: Tribute to winter warriors

It is part of our collective DNA to grouse about government and its services whenever we see inefficiency ...


Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus

Editor’s Note: On Sept. 21, 1897, The New York Sun published what was to become history’s most reprinted ...


(Editorial) Holidays not all that merry for some

Even the grinchiest of us might find ourselves humming along to “Holly Jolly Christmas” playing on a loop ...


(Our view) Be aware: ‘Tis the season of scam

The IRS has a message for you, and although it’s not coming certified mail in a logo-embossed envelope, ...


(Our view) Roadways are busy on Thanksgiving. Drive safely.

AAA expects record-setting travel numbers for Thanksgiving and it’s expected that more than 2 million Alabamians will travel ...


(Our view) Buy big by shopping small

As the peak shopping season kicks off this week, don’t forget to shop small. It’s a strategy we ...


(Our view) Pardon us

It has been a long tradition in America for presidents to grant pardons for those convicted of various ...


(Our view) Health officials bring season’s tidings

It’s already that most magical time of the year … the time when a simple inoculation can save ...

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