Springville Happenings 6/9/22
Some young patrons received their first library cards at the Springville Public Library on June 1st.
The Springville Senior Center traveled to Savannah, Georgia in late May to tour the city, see the sites, sample the food and they took a river boat cruise.
Homestead Hollow hosted their annual Arts & Crafts Festival on May 13th-15th with wagon rides, live music, food, petting zoo, pioneer history and thousands of crafts.
The Springville Police Department and the Springville Fire Department will host Springville Night Out on June 18th at Springville High School from 12p.m. until 5p.m. with a special guest appearance by Basmmaster Elite Pro Wes Logan. There will be free hot dogs, cotton candy and face painting.
Homestead Hollow will host its Summer Music Celebration on June 18th.
Gates open at 3:00 pm Bring a chair and/or blanket. Tickets available at www.homesteadhollow.com. Tickets are $25 each for adults, $10 each for kids ages 10 and under. Food, beverages and adult beverages will be available for purchase. Contact www.homesteadhollow.com for more information.
Area Kids Summer Activities, Camps & VBS
June 12-15 Calvary Baptist SPARK VBS Odenville
June 13-15 1st Baptist Summer Blast @ Big Springs Springville
June 13-16. Beverly’s Dance Camp. Moody
June 13-17 Lakeview Baptist ZOOMERANG VBS Oneonta
June 20-24 Straight Mountain Baptist MONUMENTAL VBS Springville/Oneonta
June 23 + Springville 1st UMC VBS (6 weeks) Springville
June 27-30. Trussville Gymnastics Under the Sea Camp
June 27-1 Straight Mountain Mennonite VBS Springville/Oneonta
June 27-1 Youth Camp 2022 (Springville Camp/Conf. Center) www.alabamayouthministries.com/events/youth-camp
June 27-29 Argo Baptist VBS Argo
July 10 Crosskids SMASH Party @ Springville Splashpad Springville
July 10-14 Ridgecrest Baptist ZOOMERANG VBS Trussville
July 13-15 Flow Church KID BLITZ 2022 Ashville
July 17-20 Crosspoint SMASH VBS Argo
July 18-22 Sumatanga Day Camp (1st-3rd grade) sumatanga.org>camp
Springville Parks & Recreation
Splash Pad Hours are Monday: CLOSED, Tuesday- Saturday: 10 AM-6PM, Sunday: 1:00PM-5 p.m..
Private Party Rentals: Tuesday-Saturday: 6:00PM-8:00PM, Sunday: 5:00PM-7:00PM.
Admission: $2 Per Person (3 and under free), Season Passes available
Groups of 15+ Must Reserve a Pavilion
Rainout Information will be on Springville Parks and Recreation Facebook or contact springvilleparksandrec.com.
Springville Community Meetings
Grief Share Classes at Christ Community Church in Springville. Grief can definitely be like a roller coaster, but there is hope, comfort & understanding at a GriefShare group. Register at https://www.christcommunitypca.com/griefshare
The Springville Civil Air Patrol, CAP-126 meets Tuesday nights 6-8:30p.m. at the Springville National Guard Armory. Contact Maj. Michael McEntyre at (205) 914-4146 if you have any questions. http://www.gocivilairpatrol.com.
Springville Library
The library is open Monday-Friday, 9:00 AM — 5:00 PM, and every 1st & 3rd Saturday, 10:00 AM — 1:00 PM. Call 205-467-2339 for more information. June 6 Genealogy Workshop 11:00am
June 10 Beginner Yoga 11:15am
June 14 Robot Playstations 10:00am
June 15 Trick Dog Show: Magical Poodles 11:00am
June 16 Storytime: Ice Cream Party 10:30am
June 17 Beginner Yoga 11:15 am
June 20 Genealogy Workshop 11:00am
June 21 Lego Star Wars Stations 10:00am
June 22 Didgeridoo Down Under 11:00am
June 23 Storytime: Star Wars 10:30am
June 24 Beginner Yoga 11:15am
June 28 Lite Brite Playstations 10:00am
June 29 Anniston Museum Animals 11:00am
June 30 Storytime: Reptiles 6th Day Creatures 10:30am
July 2 Writer’s Group 10:30am
Aug 6 Writer’s Group 10:30am
The Springville Public Library Preschool Storytime is at 10:30 AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Individually packaged snacks and crafts also return this week. Be sure to register your group, as space remains limited. Call 205-467-2339 or send a Facebook message to register.
Springville Senior Center
Yoga on Mondays, Ceramics on Tuesdays and Thursdays
Check out their Facebook page for online activities and more information at https://www.facebook.com/seniorcenterspringville
Springville Preservation Society
The Springville Preservation Society is taking reservations for use of the historic “Little House” located adjacent to the Police Department for events or meetings. Rates are $40 for two hours; $75 for four hours; and $125 per day. For reservations call Gayle Hammonds at (205) 937-3071 or Paulette Kelly at (205) 467-3971.