What’s up in Odenville: New principal looking for volunteers

Hello Readers! I’m back with this week’s edition of “What’s Up in Odenville”.

The past few weeks I have been car shopping. We have two driving teens in the household and it’s time to pass down the current mom vehicle and get myself some new wheels. Car shopping for me is like grocery shopping when you are hungry; you want every thing you see. If its newer, doesn’t have dents, dings and scratches it’s perfect. I visited several dealerships and each one had the vehicle I just couldn’t live without, that is until I saw the sticker price. A car that could double as a matchbox costs as much as 30k. What the what?? Then if you want gap insurance, additional warranties etc, your payment just increased another $100. By the time tax, tag and title has been added in, you have just signed over your first born and agreed to payments for the next 7 years.

Maybe I will just ride a bicycle.

Let’s get to the news:

SCCHS will have a new principal in the upcoming school year. Mike Howard has taken over duties vacated by former Principal, Brian Terry. Mr. Howard is asking for your help. On July 9, starting at 8 a.m. there will be a work/clean up day at St. Clair County High School to work on freshening up the look of our beautiful school. Help is needed to trim bushes, pull and spray weeds, provide and put out pine straw, and pressure washing. Please bring any tools/materials that you would like to donate or use to help with the work that needs to be done. Also, snacks and drinks for those who are there working and helping is needed. Any help would be appreciated to get the school ready for students and the upcoming school year. Please help spread the word. Go Saints!

Odenville Intermediate School also has a new Principal. John Mark Ford was named Principal Monday evening and will assume duties left after the passing of former OIS Principal, Constance Seymour from cervical cancer. We wish you the best of luck and know you will do a great job!

After 18 years of owning and operating Dance Works Dance Studio, Salli Sanders Bauer is hanging up her dancing shoes. Heather Shufelt Robertson has taken over ownership as of June 1. A dancer since the age of three, Heather began teaching 10 years ago at Calera Dance Academy and has experience teaching all over the Birmingham area. Fall registration will be August 6 for the new dance year. Call (205) 420-8594 or email danceworksal@gmail.com for more info. Congrats Heather!

Prayers for Michelle Bolton McCullars as she recuperates from gallbladder surgery. Michelle is the wife of Piggly Wiggly GM, Mike McCullars. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

Discover Magazine will feature our little city of Odenville in the upcoming August 4 edition. This is the perfect time for business owners to showcase their business. Editor and Publisher Carol Pappas is also looking for feature ideas and old photos for the magazine. Send story ideas and advertising inquiries to cpappas@partnersmultimedia.com.

The Margaret Lions Club will host an Officer Installation Dinner to be held at Louie’s Pickles in Odenville on Tuesday, June 28. Meet and Greet 6:30 p.m. Dinner, 7 p.m. Ceremonies, 7:30 p.m. District Governor George Head – Prattville Lions will swear in the new officers for the Margaret Lions Club upcoming year 2016-2017. For more info on Lions Club contact

Lion Pedro M. Pino Sr.2VDGE, District 34-B

149 Solar Shield Blvd.

Odenville, Al. 35120-5852

(205) 515-0494 Cell / (205) 629-3395 Home

OYAA Football registration will be every Saturday in June, and July 2 and 9 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the field house. Ages 4-12 $170. For more info call Marlon Mashburn at (205) 540-8074.

That’s all for this week! Send your Odenville News to OdenvilleNews@gmail.com.