Veterans resource fair today
In an effort to reach out to veterans and military families, St. Clair County M.A.P.S., a nonprofit devoted to serving veterans in need, has teamed up with community partners to bring the first Veterans and Military Families (VMF) Resource Fair to Pell City.
The VMF Resource Fair is being held today from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Pell City Civic Center. The event is free to the public.
“The VMF Resource Fair is about the neighborhood and bringing everyone together by joining community forces,” M.A.P.S. advocate Greg Jacobik said. “This community is honoring our veterans and military families by joining passion to real solutions with event partners to put money in their pocket and enhance their well-being.”
More than 40 community partners will have booths set up at the fair with people available to answer any questions veterans may have.
“We have everyone from Pell City wrestlers, athletes, citizens, other nonprofits and government joining forces to close the gaps of information,” Jacobik said.
Door prizes will be given away and Chef T from Ragland is the food vendor for the event.
“This is our first year to do this, but we’ve already had really good support from so many people in the community,” said Lee Ann Clark from the County Extension office, who is in charge of the event.
Clark says she hopes veterans and their families will walk away with a better sense of what resources are available to them. The fair will give veterans an opportunity to ask questions and seek the help they need. The fair provides information on everything from where to find medical assistance to seeking employment.
“We hope this first fair opens a door for us to offer something like this again in the future, “ Clark said.
Friday following the fair, Lakeside Hospice will host an educational conference, “Preparing for the Battle with PTSD and TBI” at the Chula Vista Conference Center off I-20 exit 153.
The conference will be held on May 18 from 9 a.m – 3:30 p.m to provide people with information about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and create awareness of the signs and symptoms as well as provide connections to the proper assistance for people in need.
“We want to be a resource to assist people in getting the help they need,” said Teresa Carden, Mission Coordinator at Lakeside Hospice.
The event is free to the public but those interested in attending are asked to register by noon on Thursday to ensure a space. Register by calling Teresa Carden at 205-884-1111.