(Column) Springville Happenings
Springville Walmart employees participated in the Miracle Mile 5K Saturday, June 22, and raised $875 for Children’s Hospital of Birmingham.
The Depot in Springville hosted a lunch meeting for the Transplant Games on June 22, in preparation for the Transplant Games 2024 which is taking place in Birmingham this year. For more information on the games: transplantgamesofamerica.org/.
The Springville High School Beta Club members worked at the Argo Food Bank on Saturday, June 15, as part of their community service projects.
Summer Reading 2024 at Springville Public Library hosted the Tom Foolery Juggling Show on Wednesday, June 19.
SpringvilleTigers Boys Basketball Team will host the 33rd annual Tiger Basketball Camp July 8-11, from 8-11 a.m. Youth ages K-6 are welcome to attend. The cost is $75 per camper. Link to sign up is: hanin.onstream4k.com/basketball.php.
Springville Elementary will offer Kindergarten Camp July 24-25 from 8-10:30 a.m. Incoming kindergarten students will learn how to go to the lunchroom, carline and all about SES. Students must be registered for kindergarten to attend camp. This includes registering in PowerSchool, as well as bringing in all required documents.
VBS Round-Up
July 5-18 VBS Springville Methodist Springville 5:30 p.m.
July 17-19 Timeless KidBlitz Flow Church Ashville 6:30 p.m.
July 21-25 VBS St. Clair Springs Baptist Church St. Clair Springs 6:30 p.m.
July 23-26 SMASH VBS Faith Community Fellowship Sprinville/Trussville 9 a.m.
The Springville Police Department will be conducting two civilian firearms training classes, July 20, starting at 8 a.m. and Saturday, Sept. 14, at 9 a.m. Cost will be $50 a person. To sign up, contact the police department at 205-467-2701 and ask for Gina Burns.
Springville Community Camps, etc.
July 15-17 Summer Art Camp Christ Community PCA christcommunitypca.com.
July 24-26 Flow Basketball Camp Flow Church 205-213-8557
Registration for Springville Tackle Football is now open for the following brackets: freshmen (Pre-K 4 and Kindergarten), sophomores (1st and 2nd grade), juniors (3rd and 4th grade) and seniors (5th and 6th grade). Registration closes July 7, $200 per player, conditioning starts in July. Games kick off in August. Sign up today at SpringvilleParksandRec.com.
The Springville Library is open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and every 1st and 3rd Saturday, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Call 205-467-2339 for more information.
The Springville Public Library Preschool Storytime is at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesdays. Registration requested. Call 205-467-2339 or send a Facebook message to register.
The Springville Civil Air Patrol, CAP-126 meets Tuesday nights 6-8:30p.m. at the Springville National Guard Armory. Contact Maj. Michael McEntyre at 205-914-4146 if you have any questions. gocivilairpatrol.com.