What’s up in Odenville: Spring break has officially arrived

Hello readers! I’m back with this week’s edition of “What’s Up in Odenville”.

Good Ole Spring Break. A prelude to what summer will be like when you have bored teenagers with pent up energy and “nothing to do.” I took my son and his friend to Wal-Mart to get some more worms to fish with. MISTAKE. The next thing I know, they are whizzing by me, one sitting in the buggy with his legs hanging out and hollering, “All aboard!” while the other is pushing him as fast as he can go. Several near misses colliding with other buggies and one close call turning the whole thing over, I made them get out in my stern no-nonsense mom voice. No sooner had I jumped that hurdle than they found a soccer ball and began tossing it in the check out lane – promptly hitting the poor lady in front of me. By this time, I, along with every patron in building, had had enough of these two knuckleheads. I could feel my head start to spin around and in a voice very rarely heard, I made them leave and go to the car with the promise to never bring them anywhere with me again. EVER. I could hear the mental applause I received as they dragged tail out of there.

The joys of being a mom to boys.

Let’s get to the news:

Social media was all a flutter with pics of teens in gowns and tuxes last Friday, as it was Prom Night for SCCHS juniors and seniors. Chesney Ritch and Trey Pardue were voted Prom Queen and King by the majority of their peers. The theme was The Great Gatsby and the venue was B&A Warehouse in Birmingham. Congrats Chesney and Trey!

Community Events:

The Miracle League in Moody will host the Miracles in Motion 5k Race and 1-Mile Run/Walk/Roll Saturday April 16 to help cover costs to replace field as current one is worn out. Registration for the 5K is $25 and $10 for the 1-Mile through April 9, after that it will be $35 for the 5K and $15 for the 1-Mile. For more info contact Mary Chambliss at moodyangels@hotmail.com or call (615) 300-3047.

Majestic Outdoors Ministry will be hosting its 4th Annual “Top Tom” Turkey Challenge April 1 and 2. There is a $50 registration fee per hunter and all proceeds benefit Majestic Outdoors Youth hunts. For more info and to register, go to majoutdoors.com. Also, Team Majestic is fishing the Fishers of Men’s Northeast Divisions 2nd stop this Saturday, March 26, on Guntersville Lake. Weigh-in is at 3 p.m. at the Bucky Howe public ramp. Good luck, guys!

The SCCHS Class of 1956 will have a Class Reunion on April 16 from 1:30-4 p.m. at the high school. For more info, contact Rex Riddle at riddles@knology.net

SK Services in Lincoln is hosting a job fair Thursday April 21 from 8 a.m. until noon at the Lincoln Senior Citizens Bldg. Cost to set up a booth is $25. If your business would like to participate call Star Dudrow at (205) 763-1818 or 256-589-9849. For those looking for employment this is a great opportunity to have a face-to-face with potential employers. Good Luck!

OYAA Cheerleading registration is coming up soon! Dates will be Saturday, April 23 from 1-3 p.m., Saturday, April 30 from1-3 p.m., Wednesday, May 4 from 6-8 p.m., and Sat May 7 from 2-5 p.m. Cost is $250. Registration will be at the OYAA field house.

The Spring in the Cove Festival will be held Saturday April 30 at Branch Cove across from Fred’s. Lots of arts and crafts, home made jams and jellies, kids activities, local food and more. For more info or to secure a booth for your business call (205) 446-3424, email SpringInTheCove@gmail.com, or check out the Facebook page, named Spring in the Cove.

The Greg Surles Memorial Ride is scheduled for Saturday, May 21, beginning at Pell City Police Department at 8:30 a.m. All monies go to the fund to give scholarships to high school senior.

That’s all for this week! Email your news to OdenvilleNews@gmail.com.