4-H Regional Competition winners announced
The 2019 Northeast Alabama 4-H Regional Congress was held Saturday, May 18 at the Northeast Alabama Community College in Rainesville. Over 200 youth from Blount, Cherokee, Cullman, Dekalb, Etowah, Jackson, Madison, Marshall and St. Clair counties participated.
The following youth from the following schools in St. Clair County participated: Cash Gurley, 5th grader at Williams Intermediate; Nick Lee, 11th grader at Ashville High School; Andrew Walker, 5th grader at Williams Intermediate School; and Trevor Wicks, 5th grader at Ashville Middle School.
Winning in the junior division and receiving rosettes for placing were Trevor Wicks (3rd place – eXtreme Birdhouse); Nick Lee (1st place, What Wood You Build); Andrew Walker – (1st place – The World I See & a cash prize), and Cash Gurley (3rd place – The World I See).
Nick Lee who competed in the Senior Level II division will advance to the State 4-H Competitive Events Day, which will be held on July 25 at the Alabama 4-H Center in Columbiana.
For more information about Alabama 4-H please visit www.aces.edu/4h or call the St. Clair County Extension Office at 205-338-9416.