Leeds Moody Messenger

The Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce October luncheon turned pink last Thursday.  In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, everyone was encouraged to wear pink and local breast cancer survivors were honored.  Beth Pool, who is currently undergoing breast cancer treatment, spoke to the group and shared her personal experience. Other breast cancer survivors attending were Janice McAnnally, Suzanne Houck, Bynum Ensor, Donna Mills and Pam Burtram.  The Pink Heals fire trucks and Sherman Concrete truck were on hand in support of these ladies and people were given an opportunity to sign the pink trucks as a cancer survivor or in honor of a family member. The Pink Heals firemen included Ronald Moorehead, Jim Terrell, Harold Wright and John Wilson.  A special thanks to Fire Chief Chuck Parsons for coordinating.  Our State Representative Dickie Drake and State Senator Slade Blackwell were the luncheon guest speakers. They conducted a town hall type meeting and educated the audience on bills that are currently being passed.  

The City of Moody and the Moody Area Chamber of Commerce conducted a ribbon cutting at Landmark Credit Union on the Moody Parkway to celebrate their grand opening.  This makes their third location to open.  Paul Bullard is the Branch Manager. 

You still have time to enjoy the comedy mystery, “OVER MY DEAD BODY” by Derek Benfield directed by Cliff Keen, Jr., at the Leeds Theatre and Arts Center with remaining play dates of Oct. 27-29. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at the door.  For reservations call 205-699-1892.  This play is family friendly so bring your friends, aunts, uncles, grandparents for a delightfully amusing comedy and a surprise ending.   

Leeds River Campus and Eden Westside Baptist Church will continue their 7-week teaching series on Painkillers this Sunday morning at 11 a.m.  This week’s teaching segment will explore Insecurity.  You will not want to miss this important topic and please invite your family and friends.  For more information and access to a daily video devotion on this topic, please visit www.EdenWestside.org/painkillers.  Eden Westside is a place to heal, help and call home. 

Everyone is invited to join Moody Miracle League for Movie Night at 6:30 p.m. this Saturday, Oct. 28.  Bring your blankets or chairs with rubber feet, sit back and enjoy The Goonies with these players under the stars at the Moody Miracle League Field.  Free popcorn and water will be served. 

There are a number of Fall Festivals and Trunk or Treat events in the greater Leeds/Moody area to provide a safe environment for kids to enjoy trick or treating. 

Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce will be hosting Downtown Trick or Treat on Halloween, Oct. 31 from 3 p.m. until 5 p.m.  Area businesses will be busy all down Parkway Drive giving out candy to kids as a safe alternative to traditional trick or treating.  This event always has a huge turnout so bring your kids for a great time.  If you have a local business that would like to participate, there’s still time so please contact Sandra McGuire, Executive Director, at 205-699-5001 or Sandra@LeedsAreaChamber.com.  Your business does not have to be located on Parkway Drive for you to participate.  Sandra can provide details.  Also, Leeds First United Methodist Church will host their Fall Festival during the Leeds Downtown Trick or Treat event again this year to add to the excitement. 

The Leeds River Campus of Eden Westside Baptist Church will host their Fall Festival Trunk r Treat event on Halloween, Oct. 31 from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.  Candy, games, photo booth and more.  Leeds River Campus is located on Hwy 78 just past the Shops of Grand River.  For more information, please call 205-338-7711. 

Leeds Lions Club will meet on Thursday, Nov. 2 at 1 p.m. in the Leeds Masonic Lodge building. 

The Leeds Masonic Lodge Community Breakfast is scheduled for 8 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 4.  Breakfast is free, but donations are appreciated.  All donations stay in the City of Leeds community involvement programs.  Please contact T. V. Weaver for more information at 205-699-6742. 

The Fourth Annual 5k Run & Walk to benefit the Joshua M. Mardis Scholarship at Vandiver Church of God is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 11.  Register online at www.active.com or obtain a registration form at the church.  For any questions, please contact Shannon Logan at 205-337-8595 or email to anchored5k@gmail.com 

Please save-the-date for the Leeds High School Library annual Barnes & Noble Book Fair at The Summit on Thursday, Nov. 30 from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m.  This event will be a great time to do some of your Christmas shopping.  Free gift wrapping will be available from 5 p.m. until 8 p.m.  Donations will be accepted!  All proceeds will be used to enhance LHS Library collections and programs. 

Job Opening:  Heritage South Credit Union is looking for a full-time teller.  Applicants may apply at www.myhscu.com 

Thought for the Week:  Understand, we are not entitled to anything.  It is all by the grace of God. 

I truly appreciate each of you who read my column and I really love sharing news so please send your Leeds and Moody news to me at leedsmoodynews@gmail.com.  Have a safe and happy Halloween and see you next week!