Mobile voting registration unit to be in Odenville Saturday

The Office of the Secretary of State is hosting a mobile unit to register voters and issue photo voter ID cards in Odenville on July 25.

The mobile unit will be at 825 Woodland Circle in Odenville from 8:00 a.m. until 10:00.

Voter registrations forms will be available to register to vote and update voter information.

To qualify for a Free Photo Voter ID you must be a Registered Voter in Alabama, must not already possess a valid photo identification acceptable for voting.

In order to receive a photo voter ID, you must provide identification such as: non valid Photo ID containing full legal name and date of birth, birth certificate, marriage record, medicare or medicaid document, military record, official school record or transcript, social security administration document, state or federal census record, hospital or nursing home record or a certificate of citizenship.