Trussville Photography Club to be honored

The Leeds Arts Council will honor the Trussville Photography Club with an opening reception on Sunday, July 8, from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Leeds Theatre & Arts Center in downtown Leeds. The public is invited to meet the artists and enjoy their beautiful and varied works. Admission is free. 

The Trussville Photography Club began in the summer of 2016 when Mike Gardner, an avid photographer and current club president, wanted to have a local club of photographers who could meet, learn from and encourage each other, and grow in their craft. He gathered together a handful of like-minded photographers and they held their first meeting in July of that year. Since then, the club has grown to 168 actual members, as well as many others who attend meetings periodically, and over 1600 Facebook members. 

The club currently holds monthly meetings at the Trussville Civic Center, providing training on various photography topics, using both members and outside photographers. They also hold regular training sessions called Tech Topics at the Trussville Public Library for more specialized, hands-on training for beginning, intermediate and even advanced photographers. They plan monthly field trips to places like Noccalula Falls, Sloss Furnaces and Huntsville Botanical Gardens to practice their photography together while having fun socializing. For more information, visit:

Photographers participating in the exhibit include: Laura Brayman, Rebecca Brayman, Maura Davies, Teri Dunlap, Pam Falbo, Mike Gardner, Jim Georgeson, Mary Georgeson, Lara Gowder, LaTrelle Grayson, Deb Hendrick, Anna Houser, Tina Houser, Art Hummel, Neal Kelsoe, Mike McGary, Patricia Nerome, Laura Parker, Janice Seale, Rob Stamm, Barbara Phillips Taylor, Barbie Williams, Kevin Wheeler, and Roger Williams. 

Their photography will be on display through August 4. For more information regarding the reception, exhibit, and other Leeds Arts Council events, visit In case of inclement weather, call the arts center at 205-699-1892 to confirm opening hours.