‘Welcome to Pell City’: City Council looks for a sign

The boundaries and population of Pell City continue to grow. While the citizens, schools, and businesses roll out a welcome to visitors, there are currently no “Welcome” signs to the city.  

“Over the course of several months I have worked to locate suitable locations for the placement of permanent entry signs at various primary accent points to the City,” stated Pell City City Manager Brian Muenger. “We were looking for property that has good visibility and a nice impact for those driving by.”  

The City of Pell City has negotiated with owners of four properties and has entered into verbal agreements for general access use of the section of property, ranging from 400-1500 square feet. Locations have been found along Hwy 78, Eden exit, Stemley Bridge, and Hwy 231 on the edge of the Town & Country Ford dealership property. No suitable location has currently been located along 231 South because of the width of the right-of-way. 

In order to have permanent placement signs, property has to be beyond the state right-of-way, which only allows breakaway signs. The City, working with Hansen Landscape Architecture on sign design, are looking at several options using local materials such as rock, brick, or architectural concrete.  

The agreement that was approved with Hansen Landscape Architecture includes survey, development of legal descriptions, development construction documents, site plans, and bid specifications for each site.   

“These signs are a large investment for the city,” Muenger said. “We want to be sure we put them in the right locations. Overall, this will be something of substance to serve the city well for decades to come.”