No Shave November at PCPD

This month, you might notice a few extra whiskers on your local police officers.

Pell City Police Department is raising funds for the United Way of Central Alabama and the Pell City Police Foundation by taking part in “No Shave November.” Officers donate $20 to participate through November and $30 to participate in December. A media personality will be judging the officers during a “Best Beard” contest before the Christmas Parade this year in the spirit of the giving.

“This is a great way for the officers to support these great charities and share more about what they contribute to our community,” Chief of Police Greg Turley said. “The United Way gives back 91 percent of every dollar donated back to St. Clair County.”

Turley said United Way supports local organizations including the YWCA, Red Cross, the Arc, Boys & Girls Club, Lakeside Hospice, Christian Love Food Pantry, Children’s Place, Boys and Girl Scouts, and the Department of human Resources.  The Pell City Police Foundation supports training and equipment that is not in the department’s budget on a regular basis as well as the Cops for Tots Christmas. 

Turley also encouraged the community to continue to support the Cops for Tots program with any donations of toys or monetary contributions they can offer. The department has a large box in the lobby to accept toy donations, and monetary donations can be made to the Pell City Police Foundation with the “Cops for Tots” earmark.