Pell City Schools BOE elects new president and vice president
Laurie Henderson was elected president and Norman Wilder was elected vice president of the Pell City Board of Education on Tuesday night.
“We rotate who is going to be president, vice president,” said Henderson. “We each take a turn.”
Henderson said she’s looking forward to her time as president and hopes the school system can begin improvements.
“I have three kids in the system, so I’m very much interested in the school system. Hopefully we get the referendum passed and we can start working on capital and program improvements,” said Henderson.
By the next BOE meeting on Nov. 16, Henderson and Wilder will be in place as the new president and vice president.
If parents need to reach out to her, Henderson is looking forward to listening to them. She can be contacted at the BOE office or emailed at
Henderson also said that she hopes people get out and support the Pell City Schools referendum on Nov. 16.
“It’s such a minimal impact on each individual household, but it will make such a huge difference for our kids and facilities. Our kids deserve that. We’re not asking for anything that most places aren’t already doing, we’re just asking enough for to keep us competitive and keep that edge Pell City has.”
On Nov. 16 citizens living in the Pell City district will be able to approve or deny a 5 mill increase for the school system. This property tax increase request will be part of the 2021 Fall Referendum.
Millage is a rate used to calculate property tax. 1 mill is $10 per $100,000. 5 mills are equal to $50 per $100,000. At 13.5 plus the requested 5 more, property tax would increase to $180.50 per $100,000.
If voters are curious about how this new millage rate would impact their yearly expenses, the BOE placed a tax calculator on their new website at