Pell City Bulletin

Well, Spring Break is over. I hope you had a great week.

Special birthday wishes to my youngest daughter, Lisa Dobbs, who lives in Milton, FL. She who will celebrate her birthday on April 13. She is not close by but is always close in my heart. Also, special birthday wishes to my grandson, Eli Vaughan and to my grandson-in-law, Nick Doty. Happy birthday to others, including Dennis Goodgame, Steve Polk, April Donohoo, April Abel, Nick Nixon, Jimmy Cagle, Prissy Patterson Caufield, Susan Cornett Pearson, Andrea Thomas, Jeri Hudgel, Barbara Brooks, Connie Millican, Denise Jernigan, Paula Lett, Jason Mitcham, Noelle Amanda Tuck, Gunner Jacob Patterson, and Carla Slovensky.

Daniel, Jennifer, Asher, and Gage Adams (my grandson and family) spent Spring Break in Destin. They reported that they had wonderful family time. I am sure that many others spent the time busy at home, or at the beach or mountains. Let me know so I can report in next article.

And I am sure many had family get-togethers for the Easter holiday. We didn’t go anywhere, but enjoyed having my daughter, Laura Adams and husband Ricky, along with my sister, Ann Harmon, visit with us on Easter Sunday.

Pell City High School is having its Prom, “Masquerade Ball,” on May 8 at the Trussville Civic Center. Tickets went on sale Mon., the 5th. More information on the Pell City High School Facebook page, along with dress code and examples of what is appropriate and not appropriate.

The PCHS Beta Club Can Food Drive is still going on through April 15. These foods will be used in the PCHS Blessing Box located at the school.

PCHS Assistant Principal, Jackie Wyche, completed all the assignments for his doctorate degree in Educational Leadership over Spring Break. So, congratulations, Dr. Wyche.

It’s time for seniors to be applying for those college scholarships. There are many listed on the PCHS website. Go to the PCHS Facebook page and check them out.

Pell City Panthers Baseball and Lady Panthers Softball teams are still going strong.

Congratulations to Creed Cline, Victory Christian School, who signed a baseball scholarship with Bryan College in Tennessee. Proud parents are Jamie and Chris Cline. Proud sister is Kylie.

Lila Henderson just keeps racking in the pageant titles. Recently, she was crowned Miss Eastern Alabama Pre-Teen. Lila is in the 5th grade at Williams Intermediate School. She is the 10-year-old daughter of Blaine and Laurie Henderson. Her two brothers, Garrett and Myles, are super proud of her and so are her grandparents, Sharon and Keith Henderson and Bob and Sherry Mize. Congratulations, Lila.

At the CEPA, Play On! By Rick Abbott arrives Friday, April 9 at CEPA. CEPA and Spotlight are excited to bring the Spotlight Core Club back to the stage in 2021. April 9-11. Times: April 9-10 at 7 p.m., April 11 at 2:30 p.m. Presented jointly with Spotlight Jefferson State, the hilarious comedy about a community theater’s performance that goes terribly wrong is FREE for attendees. Reserve your tickets online at or at the door.

three more Saturdays to enjoy the Annual Downtown Pell City Historic Walking Tours Event. Bring the entire family. You don’t want to miss it. The Heart of Pell City will once again be sponsoring and presenting the 6th Annual Pell City Downtown Historical Walking Tours on each Saturday in April (the 3, 10, 17 and 24.) The tour times this year are 10 a.m. and noon.

Fundraiser for The Children’s Place will be a Drive-Thru Luncheon on Tuesday, April 27 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Pell City First Baptist Parking Lot. Tickets are $15 per box lunch (must be pre-purchased). Tickets are on sale at The Children’s Place. Deadline for purchase is Wed., April 21. Call 205-338-8847 or email for tickets and more information.

St. Clair Extension Office offers: Forestry, Wildlife, Natural Resources Team Webinar on April 21, 2021 from noon to 1 p.m. Alabama is home to over 40 species of snakes, with only 6 being venomous. This 1-hour webinar will focus on biology, ecological benefits and proper identification of the snake species in Alabama. In addition, they will discuss some of the common misconceptions that shapes people’s perspectives of these important reptiles. And lots more information about many topics. Check it out at

Please keep the families of Mickey Megois, Houston Tumlin, Rhonda Wilkerson, Callie Stancil, and Willie Van Pelt in your thoughts and prayers.

I pray that this year will bring all of you blessings, good health, peace and joy. Please pray daily for our country and it’s leaders. Send news by calling me at 338-7746 or email to