Coal City Corner

On Monday, June 21 my son Joseph Jay Scott of Coal City and Michael Kemp Thompson of Pineville, Kentucky will play seven golf courses, nine holes per course, in seven states in that one day. This is a fundraising campaign for the Parkinson’s Disease Association. It is in honor of Jay Scott’s uncles, Joe Clifton Black and Edward L. Buckner, and all other Parkinson’s Disease patients. If you want to donate, donate to the American Parkinson’s Disease Association, APDA, 7 golf courses in 7 states in 1 day – A personal campaign sponsored by Jay Scott and “Mike” Thompson on June 21. You can also call 1-800-223-2732. The seven states they will play are Kentucky, Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama.

Congratulations and happy anniversary to my friends Glenn and Margaret Milam on June 29.

Happy birthday to Ashlee McNutt, June 20, Dalton Barber, June 21 and Krista McNutt, June 22.

Sunday, June 20 is Father’s Day, a day set aside in honor of our fathers. It’s always observed the third Sunday of June in the U.S. My siblings, Kay, Jalta, Cliff and I pay tribute in memoriam to our daddy, Joseph Emerson, “Joe” Black – April 3, 1909 to May 20 1984. We, his children, are so thankful to God to have been blessed with a daddy who set the right example for us to follow. He loved us dearly and let us know it. His last words to me via phone call were “I love you and you tell all them young’uns up there I love them too.”

I wish all you dads a very happy Father’s Day and may God bless you always.

Readers, when you have news items to share, please call me at 205-884-0040. Thank you.