Coal City News

Our Community Thanksgiving Service was held Sunday, Nov. 22 at Mt. Moriah Baptist Church, Pell City/Coal City. The service began at 5 p.m. Several churches w in our area were represented making a good attendance. Mt. Moriah’s pastor, Rev. Mickey Jones presided over the service. Mrs. Redena King, Mt. Moriah’s Choir Director, directed the community choir and the congregational singing. Landon King, Mt. Moriah’s pianist, played the piano. 

I am happy to report that the choir loft was almost filled with persons from the churches in our area singing hymns which had a Thanksgiving theme. All of us were so blessed by their singing! Several persons gave their testimonies praising and thanking God for His blessings during the year. “Brother Mickey” preached the Thanksgiving message. Psalm 100 was his primary text. The entire service was, indeed, a great blessing to all who attended!

A delicious meal and wonderful fellowship immediately followed the service. The tables were so beautifully decorated by several ladies of Mt. Moriah Church. I am so very grateful and I thank God for this uplifting spiritual experience. I am sure that all the others who attended say the same.

Our 2016 Annual Community Thanksgiving Service will be held at Popes Chapel Community Church. New Prospect Baptist Church will co-host the service.

Happy birthday to Brother Mickey Jones, Nov. 27, my very young friend, Little Miss Mallory Middlebrooks, Nov. 28, my young friend, Amber Green, Dec. 1, my great-niece, Janna Black and my friend, Meighan Middlebrooks, who both celebrate Dec. 2! Mallory Middlebrooks is the daughter of Caleb and Middlebrooks. Janna is the daughter of my niece, Amy Black and the granddaughter of my brother and sister-in-law, “Cliff” and Beverly Black and Judy and Walter Wagner all of the Mobile area.

Thursday, Nov. 26, is Thanksgiving Day — a National holiday. The Thanksgiving holiday is, and always has been a very special holiday to me. I have so many fond memories of this particular holiday.

When I was a child, we, my parents, Joe and Orene Black, my siblings, Kay, Jalta, “Cliff” and Ginny, my maternal grandmother, Mary Layton Thornburg, always looked forward to the Thanksgiving holiday. Some of our “kinfolk” always came to our house, the little, log-house nestled just below a hill in Coal City. It is forever stamped and sealed on my heart: the wonderful fellowship we had sitting at that large, oblong dining table devouring the delicious chicken and dressing, vegetables grown in our garden, and the delicious desserts of pie and cakes. However, more important to me was the LOVE that exuded from each of us and the joy we shared with our family and kinfolks. And since my daddy, Joe Black, was an outright comedian; there was a whole lot of laughter.

Of course, I am very grateful for the blessings of being with my immediate family during this special holiday.

I wish all you readers and your families a very Happy and safe Thanksgiving Day! Let’s pray for all the travelers’ safety. May God’s special blessings be with you all always is my continual prayer for you.

“And now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; but the great-est of these is LOVE.” – 1 Corinthians 13:13-The Bible.