Pell City News by Margaret Vaughan
Hello everyone. Praying that everyone has a wonderfully blessed Thanksgiving.
Thought for today: God inhabits the praises of His people, not their complaints. Which one are you doing today? (Joe McGee)
It’s time again for the Landis Antiques Mall’s Annual Open House on Saturday, Nov. 28 and Sunday, Nov. 29. This will be the 26th year for the celebration — and what a celebration it will be. Each day, the store will give away an antique clock. Prizes, donated by vendors, will be given away every half-hour. There will be delicious goodies along with coffee and punch for all to enjoy. In addition, you will love seeing all of the wonderful items the vendors have. You don’t want to miss this event, so plan to be there on Saturday from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday from 1-5 p.m.
And don’t forget, the Christian Love Pantry’s annual Christmas food distribution will be held this year on Dec. 19 (Saturday before Christmas). MUCH more information will be given starting immediately after Thanksgiving by this column, local radio and flyers given out to our clients and elsewhere.
Also, please note that the Love Pantry has a new site on Facebook where all events will be announced and other pertinent information. Like the page to follow the organization. You can also send a private message to let them know of any upcoming food drives. The information will be posted there.
Congratulations to the Pell City Business Professional Women’s Club (BPW) on their recent 15th Annual Fashion Show, “Leading Ladies in Lights,” last Thursday at Celebrations. BPW President Teressa Carden, welcomed a full house and introduced Master of Ceremony, Harmony Mendoza, Meteorologist at Channel 13. She also introduced the PCHS Jazz Band, Executive Director Sid Brown, and directed by Corey Funderburg. The delicious food was catered by the Moody High School Cullinard School and was served on lovely, decorated tables. There were many clubs, persons, and businesses involved in the setting up, preparing and presenting of this gala event.
The club is raising money for scholarships for girls of Pell City High School and Victory Christian High School. Fashions were provided by Hattie Lee’s, Born to Shop, Factory Connection, The Pink Daisy, and Amis of Pell City. The event ended with a parade of BPW “Leading Ladies in Lights” who were dressed representing leading ladies throughout the various times, including women of the Bible, female singers, successful business women, actresses, a First Lady and a Queen, a princess and others. It was a wonderful and enjoyable event.
Thank a Veteran. A recent issue featured two local heroes of World War II. Odenville resident James Hutchinson told of his many heroic deeds, and he was the recipient of many medals, including the Bronze Star. Ashville resident Ike Murphee, fought in World War II and once served as a body guard for General Dwight D. Eisenhower. Thank you Mr. Hutchinson and Mr. Murphee for your service. And thanks to all veterans everywhere.
The Thanksgiving Celebration: One day that fall, four settlers were sent to hunt for food for a harvest celebration. The Wampanoag heard gunshots and alerted their leader, Massasoit, who thought the English might be preparing for war. Massasoit visited the English settlement with 90 of his men to see if the war rumor was true. Soon after their visit, the Native Americans realized that the English were only hunting for the harvest celebration. Massasoit sent some of his own men to hunt deer for the feast and for three days, the English and native men, women, and children ate together. The meal consisted of deer, corn, shellfish, and roasted meat, far from today’s traditional Thanksgiving feast.
Although prayers and thanks were probably offered at the 1621 harvest gathering, the first recorded religious Thanksgiving Day in Plymouth happened two years later in 1623. On this occasion, the colonists gave thanks to God for rain after a two-month drought.
In the 19th century, the modern Thanksgiving holiday started to take shape. In 1846, Sarah Josepha Hale, editor of a magazine called Godley’s Lady’s Book, campaigned for an annual national thanksgiving holiday after a passage about the harvest gathering of 1621 was discovered and incorrectly labeled as the first Thanksgiving. It wasn’t until 1863, when President Abraham Lincoln declared two national Thanksgivings; one in August to commemorate the Battle of Gettysburg and the other in November to give thanks for “general blessings.” So I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember where our blessings come from.
Happy birthday to my special friend, Jim Gann, and to Janet Coshatt Owens, Frieda Harmon, Shirley Skeivelas. Also a special birthday to one of my daughter, Annette’s, best-est friends, Nickie McKee. Annette and Nickie have been friends since elementary school. Have a great day on your special day, all of you November babies.
Remember: “God cares for and nourishes us, even when we feel like a failure. See how God cared for Elijah when he was down and out (1Kgs 19:4–8). (Joseph Prince)
See you next week. Pray daily for our country, its leaders and for Israel. Contact me at 205-338-5590 with information about family’s news and gatherings. Have a wonderfully blessed and safe week. You can also email info to