All about Ashville

The term “Holiday Season” usually refers to the months from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day and the festivities. But neither the holidays nor the festivities end there. With Valentine’s day just behind us, another holiday is upon us.

R&R BBQ is celebrating St. Patrick’s Day Thursday, March 16. Angela and the Fox Cars will be there from 6 p.m – 7 p.m. They promise a “Shamrockin’ good time.”

Soon after, we will be buying baskets and hunting eggs. Purchase both from Candy Johnson Riggins. Save the trouble and donate to a good cause. The Riggins are selling these to raise money to adopt a school aged child. It is costly and their pocketbooks aren’t as big as their hearts.

Speaking of expensive, prom time is here. And prom dresses don’t come cheap. But Brunna Baptist Church is having a prom dress give away from April 1 to May 1. Any young lady attending the 2021 prom is eligible.

To donate or for more information calll Patrick Washington 256-390-5995. This could be a chance to clear space in your closet by donating old bridesmaids dresses the bride’s promised you could shorten and wear again. But you never did and you never will.

Some Ashvillians have expressed curiosity and concern over the old cemetery off Highway 24. Some of the gravestones date back to the 1800s. But it is in severe disrepair. A few citizens have offered to help clean and clear.

The cemetery is privately owned. The owners can be found on for anyone wishing to pursue this. Sounds like a job for Ashville. A perfect project for people who pride themselves on protecting and preserving their past.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day, Ashville and don’t forget to wear green.