Police: Michigan man jailed after assaulting his girlfriend and her ferret

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. — A court order bars a Michigan man from contacting his girlfriend — and her ferrets.

Ross James Bolling faces felony charges after authorities said he assaulted his girlfriend and choked one of her two ferrets during a Dec. 19 breakup argument.

The woman was not hospitalized after the alleged assault, said Traverse City police Capt. Jim Bussell. The ferrets are expected to make a full recovery.

“We ended up determining that they appeared to be OK,” Bussell told the Traverse City, Michigan Record-Eagle.

Bolling, 28, was charged with assault with a dangerous weapon and torturing an animal, both punishable by up to four years in prison. He is charged as a habitual offender, which could add two years to his potential prison time.

Bolling, who was released from Grand Traverse County’s jail on a $5,000 10 percent bond, could not be reached for comment.

The suspected assault stemmed from a day-long argument, in which Bolling’s girlfriend was trying to break up with him, Bussell said. The woman moved his belongings out of their bedroom to a spare room in their shared apartment.

“That’s when he became agitated and grabbed one of the pet ferrets and began choking it,” Bussell said.

Bolling’s girlfriend told authorities she bit his arm in a move to free the ferret. He threw the animal across the room after her bite, Bussell said.

Court records state Bolling threw a table at the woman as she ran to collect the pet and escape. Officers later noted bruises on her arms.

The woman carried the animals into a locked bathroom, where she contacted her employer, who called 911 to report the assault at 7:06 p.m.

Bolling beat on the door with a hammer, Bussell said.

“He was trying to come in after her,” Bussell said. “She was able to get by him and away and lock herself into a neighbor’s house.”

Thompson writes for the Traverse City, Michigan Record-Eagle.