What’s Up in Odenville
We are coming off Labor Day, the last official Summer holiday and unofficial end to the season, however Mother Nature has NOT gotten the memo. While our mornings are a nice tease of what’s to come, the afternoons are still like entering the firey gates of Satan’s hometown. While I am personally ready for all things Autumn, I have to admit that pumpkin spice is definitely not one of them. I know, I know. Such blasphemy should not be passed through the lips but pumpkin is just not one of my favorite scents. I prefer apple harvest and Fall leaves. I don’t do pumpkin spice cider or lattes either. I will, however, throw down on some of Ms. Marilyn’s pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving. Hopefully that can be my saving grace.
Let’s get to the news.
The SCCHS Saints took on Cherokee County this past Friday night but fell to the Warriors in a 42-7 loss. This week Saints have their first conference game against the Moody Blue Devils at Home. Admission is $7 at the gate. For your convenience, the concession stand now accepts debit cards!
Odenville Elementary School will be getting new special needs playground thanks to the community and one special donor. Mr. Martin Andrews from Keller Williams – New Beginnings Realty Group generously donated the remaining balance to purchase equipment after seeing a social media post. Mr. Andrews group serves and donates within local communities. We have an amazing community! To each and every person who has donated and continues to donate we appreciate you!
Events this weekend:
Calling all Elvis Fans!! SCCHS Band is hosting an Elvis tribute concert on Saturday, September 28, starting at 7 p.m. at SCCHS. Tickets are $15 and include admission along with a BBQ sandwich, chips and a drink. Tickets can be purchased from any band member.
Majestic Outdoors Ministries is hosting The God is Bigger Movement Fishing Tournament Saturday September 7. Launch will be safe light at Lakeside Park/Logan Martin Lake. There is a $5 boat launch fee per boat. Entry fee is $110 per boat and includes $10 Big Fish pot. For more information or to pre-register, call Stacey at 205-966-7272.
The Margaret Lions Club and City of Margaret will host the Margaret Health Fair Saturday September 7 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Margaret Pharmacy on Jeffery Wilson Drive. Diabetes, vision and glucose screenings as well as blood pressure checks, local vendors and more. For more information contact Pedro Pino at pmpino44@yahoo.com
That’s all for this week! Send you Odenville News to odenvillenews@gmail.com