Smith becomes NARFE Chapter 1511 president following Williams’ 3-year term
During the current election cycle, at least one race has been decided. Chapter 1511 of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE) has a new president.
Tom Smith, who retired following a long career as a federal employee at Anniston Army Depot, was installed as the president of NARFE Chapter 1511 during the January monthly meeting. Smith follows Jim Williams who served as president for three years.
The next meeting of NARFE Chapter 1511 is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 25 at 11 a.m. in the depot’s DeSoto Pastime Center. The chapter is made up of nearly 200 members who live in six area counties – Calhoun, Clay, Cleburne, Randolph, St. Clair, and Talladega. Chapter 1511 has been serving active and retired federal employees for 40 years.
NARFE bills itself as the only organization dedicated solely to safeguarding and enhancing the benefits of all active and retired, career-civilian federal employees, and their survivors. NARFE has more than 1,500 Chapters in 50 State Federations and 10 Regions, all governed by an elected leadership. National membership exceeds 200,000. NARFE says its decades of professional advocacy experience on Capitol Hill and in federal agencies have made NARFE a respected name among members of Congress and a key player in the federal community.
People interested in learning more can call Smith at (256) 358-4257 or send an email to The chapter Facebook page is at
-Submitted by the NARFE Chapter 1151