(Column) Springville Happenings

The St. Clair County Police Memorial was dedicated Sunday, Oct. 13, at Big Springs Park with county and city leaders in attendance, along with police officers from around the county and families of fallen officers who were memorialized.

Local author Joel Dison spoke about his new fiction book, “Conflict of Interest: A Springville Murder Mystery (Springville Murder Mysteries)” at the Springville Senior Center Friday, Oct. 11. Dison’s book is available on Amazon and wherever books are sold.

The Springville High School Marching Tiger Band competed at the Chief Ladiga Marching Festival in Piedmont Saturday, Oct. 12, where they earned superior ratings in every class and best in class color guard, dance line and percussion.

The 3rd Springville Preservation Society’s Festival of Trees and Wreaths will be showcased inside the historic Springville Presbyterian church which is now more than 150 years old. The glow of Christmas lights is amazing in this beautiful gem that is the centerpiece of Springville’s historic district. Remember the community votes on the entries, so mark your calendars for Nov. 16 and 17.

For a registration form and a copy of the guidelines, email Springvillefestivaloftrees@gmail.com.