Apply today, Friday, Saturday for food benefits
The Department of Human Resources will be on hand to administer D-SNAP, a disaster food benefit program for people affected by the storm but who may not ordinarily qualify for the Food Assistance Program.
Through Saturday, DHR will process St. Clair County resident applications from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the New Hope Baptist Church Facilities Building at 371 7th Ave. NW, in Pell City.
Residents with last names beginning with K-R will be served Thursday, and S-Z will be served Friday. Saturday is a makeup day for anyone not able to attend the previously scheduled days.
Residents must have damage to their homes, loss of food, expenses related to protecting their homes or have lost income as a result of the disaster and meet income limits.
Individuals must apply in person or have an authorized representative apply for them, and must provide some form of identification such as a photo ID or documents that contain the participants name and address. If no such documents are available, they may bring another person to verify their identity. Proof of income is also required.
Current food assistance recipients are not eligible for D-SNAP benefits.