Springville Happenings

The Springville Public Library hosted 6th Day Creatures Exotic Pet Education Program for the Preschool Story Time, Wednesday, April 11th. Students read The Greedy Python by author, Eric Carle. The students then were given a python demonstration and educational talk by Jamie Hacker of 6th Day Creatures.
Congratulations to the Springville Anglers for winning the ASABFA Tournament at Logan Martin Lake on April 8th. The Springville Anglers placed first in a crowd of 198 boats.
The Springville Public Library will begin “An American Girl Club” for ages 6-12, every 1st Saturday at 10:30a.m.Contact the Springville Library for details at 467-2339.
The Lego Club will meet every Friday and Saturday from 11a.m. – 12p.m. at the Springville Public Library in the Children’s Annex. Space is limited. Please call or visit your library to register at 467-2339.
Camp Utopia in Springville will host the 5K Run, “Night Light 5K @ Utopia” on April 21st at 7pm benefitting missions for orphans in Columbia. Register at www.active.com.
The Springville United Methodist Church (UMC) Children’s Ministry will host a Craft & Consignment Bazaar on April 22nd from 9a.m. until 2p.m. with proceeds benefiting the Preschool Program.
Springville Youth Cheerleading Registration will be April 22nd from 9a.m. – 12p.m. at the Springville Baseball Pavilion. K4-7th grades. Contact syatigers@gmail.com for more info.
The Springville Public Library will host a Managing Debt Workshop in the Main Library at 10:00a.m. on April 27.
The Library will host Fantastic 4k Story Time for four year olds at the Children’s Annex 11:00a.m on Friday April 28.
A Firearms Safety Course is being offered April 29 at 8a.m. at the Springville Police Department. Class is limited. Call Springville City Hall at (205) 467-6133 to register. Cost is $50.
The Springville Farmers Market on Main Street will begin operating in April. If you are interested in being a vendor, please contact (205) 914-8690. The market will be open on the weekends.
Story Time at the Springville Public Library is every Wednesday at 10:30a.m. and includes a story, craft and snacks.
The Senior Center in Springville will offer crochet and ceramic classes for the public of all ages for a $20 fee to benefit the Senior Center. Contact the Senior Center at (205) 467-6022 for more information.
From the St Clair County EMA: Road Closure at Muckleroy Creek Bridge. AL State Hwy 11 from Whitney Junction/AL Hwy 231 to State Route 23, Springville to close to thru traffic on Monday, December 12 for bridge work. Alternate Route: I-59. Local traffic can utilize Huff Lane to Crawford Cove to State Rd 23 and also Pinedale Rd to 23. Timeline: More than 1 year. This notice is provided from the Alabama Department of Transportation.
The Springville Civil Air Patrol meets every Tuesday from 6-8:30 p.m. at the National Guard Armory. The age requirement is 12-18 years of age and adults may also join as senior members. Cadets learn leadership skills, aerospace, character development, as well as team work. Cadets also learn piloting skills. Contact Shannon Young, Civil Air Patrol- Public Affairs Officer, (205) 960-7164 or at www.facebook.com/SpringvilleCAP.
The Church at Bradford Road is offering a Divorce Support Group for Children every Tuesday from 6-8 p.m.. Contact (205) 467-7376.
Send your Springville happenings to bethwingate@aim.com!