St. Clair County crafters showcase talents at Alabama Farmers Federation conference
A steady stream of Alabama Farmers Federation members cycled through displays of quilts, table runners and wreaths, hoping to see winning ribbons hanging next to entries created by peers from their home counties.
Across five sewing and wreath-making contests, 13 talented crafters received top prizes.
St. Clair County’s Tamara Rashleigh won the Machine-Stitched Quilt contest while Trevor Wicks placed second in the Youth Division Commodity-Themed Table Runner contest.
The annual contests are sponsored by the Alabama Farmers Federation’s Women’s Leadership Division and take place during the Federation’s Farm & Land Conference. The city of Montgomery hosted this year’s conference Aug. 1-3.
To promote Alabama agriculture, fabric entries must be made of cotton. Table runners and wreaths must feature a specific commodity.
First-place winners receive $150, second-place $100 and third place $75.
The winners for each division are:
Hand-Stitched Quilts
First Place — Pat Norred, Randolph County
Second Place — Martha Jordan, Monroe County
Machine-Stitched Quilts
First Place — Tamara Rashleigh, St. Clair County
Second Place — Janet Massey, Geneva County
Third Place — Roberta McClelllan, Cullman County
Commodity Table Runner
First Place — Terri Brown, Wilcox County
Second Place — Dawn East, Cherokee County
Third Place — Twyla Smith, Crenshaw County
Commodity Table Runner, Youth Division
First Place — Hannah Grace Aldridge, Fayette County
Second Place — Trevor Wicks, St. Clair County
Commodity Wreath
First Place — Pat Sexton, Crenshaw County
Second Place — Phyllis Johnson, Calhoun County
Third Place — Lydia Haynes, Cullman County