Ragland Roundup
On July 10, members of James D. Truss Masonic Lodge #515 along with their families, friends and members of Ravi and Chapter #150, order of the Eastern Star gathered for a fellowship meal and installation of the James D. Truss Lodge #515 Officers for the 2017 – 2018 year.
This was a very special installation because Brother W. F. Herren, a 50 plus year member, installed his grandson Paul Kay as Worshipful Master. Others installed by Brother Herren were Jamie Hannah, Junior Deacon; John Russell, Senior Steward; and Billy Gene Alverson, Junior Steward.
The other officers are Christopher Rossmier, Senior Warden; Justin Jacobs, Junior Warden; Charles Brannon, Treasurer; Ricky Lee Day, Secretary; Joseph Leon Chandler, Senior Deacon; Lamar Jacobs, Chaplain; Otis Boswell, Marshall; Jerome Wyatt, Tyler Phillips and Johnny Phillips, Historians.
Masonry is based on friendship, morality and brotherly love. One of the goals is to help distressed master masons, their wives and widows.
Ragland High School (RHS) Band is still selling band calendars. Get in contact with your favorite band member or you may contact Khrystal Fairchilds at music.lover36@gmail.com.