St. Clair Celebrates Water Festival
The 2009 St. Clair County Water Festival took place Tuesday at First Baptist Church and First United Methodist Church of Pell City. This year’s theme was “Water is Life.” Over 1300 fourth grade students and their teachers came from all over the county. Every student got to participate in three special hands-on water activities taught by area high school students.
*Students learned about filtration, how pollutants enter our water supply and how difficult it is to remove them.
*They learned about the water cycle by making water cycle bracelets.
*The students learned to make and eat an aquifer out of ice cream, sprinkles and soda. They also learned what an aquifer is, how it works, what non-point source pollution is and how toxic wastes affect our groundwater.
These unique and creative water related experiments and activities helped the students retain surface and groundwater principles.
After attending the three activities, the students came together for the “Fishin’ Magicians” show. The “Fishin Magicians” further instilled ecological lessons through water related magic tricks and illusions.
Everyone in attendance received a Water Festival t-shirt. A t-shirt design contest was open to all the students attending. The winner’s design appeared on the shirts. This year’s winner was Caitlyn St. John from Ragland Elementary. The Water Festival’s mission statement is to educate students and their families about all aspects of water and other related natural resources (i.e., surface water, wetlands, forestry, wildlife, etc.) and to instill in them a general environmental awareness and stewardship ethic.