Your Extension Corner: Fall armyworms on rise again


Farmers and homeowners across the region should be on the lookout for fall armyworms.  Typically a problem in dry years, the fall armyworm can begin to infest the area in July; sometimes earlier. Fall armyworms feed on a variety of forages but prefer lush, green, well-fertilized bermudagrass. Fall armyworms are typically most active early in the morning, late in the afternoon or in early evening, but on taller, un-mowed grass, they can be observed feeding on foliage throughout the day. On closely grazed or recently mowed hayfields, fall armyworm larvae spend the warmer hours of the day deep in the sod. Fall armyworm damage often seems to appear “overnight.” Army worms will feed for about 14 days after hatching and damage will be visible during the last four days.
Young armyworms don’t eat much. Almost all the damage is caused by the oldest caterpillars which eat more than all the other ages put together. Therefore, an infestation may have been present but not detected because of the small size of the caterpillars. For control recommendations, visit and click on publications to look up ANR-1019: Management of Fall Armyworm in Pastures and Hayfields or ANR-0172: Controlling Fall Armyworms on Lawns & Turf.
A sweep net used to scout for armyworms is available for livestock and hay producers. Two nets are available in each county of the state; one at the Extension office and one with the local Cattlemen’s Association chapter president. The nets can be checked out for free and used to scout the most valuable fields, those that are the greenest, fastest growing hayfields nearing harvest. Scouting with sweep nets will enable farmers to detect smaller armyworms before they cause serious damage. If you believe you have fall armyworms or for more information about the free use of these sweep nets, please contact Henry Dorough at the St. Clair County Extension office at (205) 338-9416.
Farmers can also monitor scouting efforts for armyworms as they are discovered across the state by visiting our online interactive map located at: