James McGowan announces candidacy for Pell City Council, District 2


James McGowan has declared his candidacy for City Council Member of District 2. McGowan is a retried educator and former City Council Member for 24 years. During those 24 years, he has helped to make a difference in the continued growth of our city. That time frame allowed him the privilege to serve as Mayor Pro-Tempore for 14 years. As a dedicated citizen of Pell City, he has been a member of the Lions Club; Leadership Pell City; Library Board; Community Action Committee; Bridge Builders; Beautification Council; an Executive Board Member of St. Clair County Department of Human Resources; and an Executive Board Member of the St. Vincent Health Foundation.  
Those 24 years also have allowed him to serve in several other capacities: Pell City Planning and Zoning Board; Liaison to the Industrial Development Board; and Chairperson of Police, Fire, Finance, Park and Recreation Committees. He has served for the last four years as the Chairperson of the Clean-Up Task Force to keep our city clean. 
He is a graduate of the Northeast Alabama Police Academy, Certified Municipal Officer of the Alabama League of Municipalities, a graduate of the Certified Municipal Officials Training Program, and also a graduate of the Advanced Municipal Officials Training Program. 
McGowan currently serves on several local organizations. He serves on the Lakeside Hospice Executive Board of Directors, Chamber of Commerce, United Teaching Profession, and President of the Rotary Club. He is currently employed part-time with Jefferson State Community College. 
He states, “I believe that my experience and board knowledge of local government qualifies me to serve in this important position. I pledge that the next four years will be devoted to the welfare and well-being of all of our citizens of Pell City.”