New era begins for Pell City government

A crowd of supporters, family and friends of the new council gathered together to celebrate as council members took the oath of office for the new term.

As he took the oath of office, Mayor Joe Funderburg ushered in the promise of a new era.

“This is going to be a team effort all the way,” Funderburg said.

Funderburg said he intends on getting out in the community and getting more involved. He plans on holding city meetings with each district on a monthly basis to hear from residents and address issues as they arise.

Funderburg promises an open door policy with the new administration.

“I want this to be a transparent administration.  It is important to me, and I hope it is important to you.”

Pell City government will conduct business in a new format.  Under the new system, Mayor Funderburg will not hold a vote on matters that come before the council nor run the meetings.  The mayor is designated to serve as liaison between the citizens and the council.

Voted on by the council as the city’s first president-elect, Councilman James McGowan will preside over government meetings.

“I believe in strong leadership,” McGowan said.  “We have to move this city forward.  I plan to work with each and every one of you.”

Former Mayor Bill Hereford gave opening remarks and had the honor of swearing in the new council.

“My theme is a thank you,” Hereford said.  “It has truly been a great experience, and I am very glad I did it.”

Hereford thanked those who served on the council and more than 150 city employees he worked with on a daily basis.

Hereford commended city leadership for their can-do attitude.

“When we as a Pell City community face challenges…we have a can-do spirit.”