Leeds/Moody Realtors Caravan Chili for Charity

Giving back to their communities, the Leeds/Moody caravan held its first Chili for Charity cook off.

Raising $3,200, half was given to the St. Clair County Advocacy Center (also known as The Children’s Place) and Leeds Outreach received the other half.

Proceeds were raised through a silent auction, lunch attendees tipping their favorite chili and ticket sales.

Honored to have the help from members of the Leeds/Moody Realtors Caravan, directors from both organizations shared their gratitude.

“Thank you,” said Pam Kelley director of the St. Clair Advocacy Center. “During this time of giving, we can’t stand to think of someone being hungry or cold. This is an answer to silent prayers. Through hope and help we couldn’t do it without you. Happy Holidays!”

“Ninety-eight percent of every penny goes right back to the people of Leeds,” said Leeds Outreach director Barbara Higginbotham. “Thank you for what you’ve done for us and are able to continuing doing.”