Christmas Year round in downtown Leeds
Shopping is an experience at The Monkey’s Uncle Christmas Shoppe.
For years the shop has opened in October and closed at the end of the holiday season at various locations throughout historic downtown Leeds.
Starting this year, shop owners Tim Jennings and Michael Dyer are gifting shoppers with the opportunity to enjoy Christmas year round.
Jennings and Dyer’s first Christmas Shoppe opened in 2008 in what was formerly an auto parts store across from Covenant Bank. Today, the permanent Monkey’s Uncle Christmas Shoppe sits where the Leeds News’ once called home at 8024 Parkway Drive.
Since acquiring this property these two men have overhauled the building and transformed it into a true Christmas spectacular.
“When customers come to our Christmas store, we want them to have a wonderful shopping experience,” said Jennings. “People are finding our Christmas store by Googling shops in the Birmingham area. Due to the fact that there are fewer exclusive Christmas shops to visit, we are becoming more and more a regional destination for holiday customers.”
Helping others spread their good cheer the shop is available for private parties and functions for various ladies’ groups.
“Country club organizations, Bunco groups and others have enjoyed the use of our store for party gatherings,” said Jennings.
The New Year looks promising too for the owners of The Monkey’s Uncle franchise, as they will be expanding their retail stores in 2013.
“As of January 2013, The Monkey’s Uncle franchise will include an exclusive gift shop, a Christmas and variety store, a baby and small children boutique, as well as an attractive and unique home accessories and decorating store,” Jennings said.
Looking forward to continuing the Christmas spirit year round, Jennings and Dyer invite Leeds citizens and neighboring areas to join them in the merriment.
“Customers tell me they come into the store just to be uplifted and reminded of what Christmas brings them and they often leave with a better feeling,” said Jennings. “It is our desire that anyone living in our area of the state will have a place to shop that offers a variety of interests, and a place that they can be proud of.”
The Monkey’s Uncle Christmas Shoppe is open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
After Thanksgiving, the shop will be open on Sundays from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
To book a party or for more information call The Monkey Uncle’s Christmas Shoppe at 205-699-7279.