Argo manufactured homes ordinance reconsidered

The Argo Zoning Board must start from scratch in drawing up a zoning ordinance and map to provide zoning for manufactured homes.

After a public hearing on Tuesday, Dec. 13, the zoning board voted on a proposed ordinance that would provide zoning for manufactured homes.  The ordinance passed and was sent to the city council for consideration.

Argo City Council called a special meeting on Thursday, Dec. 15 to consider and vote on the zoning ordinance. Every council member with the exception of councilman Steve Medori, who recused himself, and Mayor Paul Jennings who abstained from the vote, voted to send the ordinance back to the zoning board for more work.

Council members discussed issues raised at the zoning board’s public hearing that revealed weaknesses of the ordinance. Some council members expressed dissatisfaction on the part of the city council.

“I feel like the council is at fault,” councilman Bill Leake said.  Last month the zoning board sent a moratorium to be voted on by the council, and the council voted against it.  “We put the zoning board in a hurry up, defense situation,” Leake said.  Anytime you hurry up, you get mistakes.”

“We knew there were problems with the ordinance.  We knew it was flawed,” councilman Bill Rutledge said.  “Everyone on the council voted to make the changes.  We knew it was broke, but it was better than anything we had ever had before.”

Working on behalf of the citizens, the city council made the decision to send the ordinance back to the zoning board based on input at the hearing.

“The good thing about the government and democracy is that we listen to the people.  It is our responsibility to send it back to the zoning board,” Rutledge said.  “We’ve got an obligation to help those that are here and have been here for years.’

At the zoning board meeting Tuesday night, the board worked to come up with an ordinance suitable for everyone involved.  An advisory panel made up of six individuals was created to draw up an ordinance workable for everyone involved.

“I feel encouraged we’ll find a workable solution for both those living in subdivisions and those who own manufactured homes,” Zoning Board Chairman Jim Link said.

—Argo roads will be blocked off during the holidays due to police checking for drunk drivers and other illegal activity.

—Argo City Hall will be closed for the holidays Dec. 23, Dec. 26, and Jan. 2.  The next city council meeting will be held on Tues. Jan. 3 at 7 p.m.


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