Alabama Power gives considerable check to Camp Winnataska

Providing more than electricity to communities throughout the state, Alabama Power awarded Camp Winnataska with a $10,000 grant through its Non-profit Energy Efficiency Program (NEEP).

Established in 1918 by the Birmingham Sunday School Council, Camp Winnataska was created “to provide a natural, healthy and safe outdoor camping experience for young people, particularly those who lived in the heavily industrialized communities in and around the Birmingham area.”

Tucked away on 1,400 acres in St. Clair County, Camp Winnataska conducted an on site visit for Alabama Power Senior Market Specialist Rusty Thomas.

“This came about from Mark Buerhaus having me out for an energy check-up. He showed me the facilities and we saw opportunities for Camp Winnataska to become more energy efficient,” said Thomas.

Other than summer camps, Camp Winnataska also hosts contestants from the Miss Alabama pageant, pledge retreats for sorority/fraternity groups, as well as organizations such as the Exceptional Foundation, Asthma Camps and Asperger Camps.

Bob White who assisted Buerhaus on writing the grant and long time Camp Winnataska supporter said, “Alabama Power has made donations to Camp Winnataska in the past so, we have a history and on going relationship with each other.”

Involved with Camp Winnataska since 1993, Buerhaus has served as caretaker since 2008. “We appreciate all the efforts Alabama Power has made. We understanding it’s not just about light bulbs for y’all. We know you’re concerned about the community,” Buerhaus said.

Edna Felton, Business Office Manager of the Leeds Alabama Power office presented Chair of the Camp Winnataska Board Katie Sefton with the check.

“We are so excited about this and appreciate it so much,” Sefton said.

Thomas replied, “It’s our pleasure. We’re happy to present this to y’all.”

Planning to make energy efficient upgrades to Reimel Hall with such additions as heat pumps, Reimel Hall serves as one of Camp Winnataska’s main and most popular buildings.

Sharing stories of their times at Winnataska, Katherine Ann Price Garmon known as KAP recalled her father Dr. Daniel Ray Price who was the founder of Camp Winnataska.

“I spent my childhood here. I never grew up so I keep coming back,” Garmon said.

Looking forward to sharing Camp Winnataska experiences for generations to come the board of directors, Friends of Winnataska and other supporters in attendance thanked Alabama Power for the assistance they provided to ensure Camp Winnataska is energy efficient for its future.


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