St. Clair County Commissioner earns award as graduate of training institute

Published 12:19 pm Tuesday, May 12, 2020

The Government and Economic Development Institute at Auburn University is delighted to announce that St. Clair County Commissioner, Ricky Parker, has met all the requirements to be designated a Graduated of the Alabama Local Government Training Institute.

Commissioner Parker joins a select group of 91 current Alabama county commissioners with this distinction. According to Julia Heflin, the Training Manager of the Government and Economic Development Institute said “Commissioner Parker’s achievement underscores a strong commitment and dedication to public service in county government.”

The graduates of the program contribute enormously to the betterment and improvement of county government in Alabama. “Graduates such as Commissioner Parker, serve as a model of the in our system of grassroots democratic government,” Heflin said.

The County Commissioner Graduate award will be presented to Parker at a special ceremony during the 2020 Annual Convention of the Association of County Commissions of Alabama. Graduates of the program must complete at least 120 hours of detailed practical and applied course work involving all aspects of county leadership and administration.