Nufab Rebar LLC Announces Plans for New Facility at Groundbreaking in Riverside

Published 12:27 pm Friday, June 22, 2012

Nufab Rebar LLC announced its plans to build a new $7 million facility at a groundbreaking in Riverside this morning.  The company plans to hire 50 employees within the first three years of operation with expected growth to a potential of more than 80 employees over the next five years.  This would make Nufab Rebar the largest employer in the City of Riverside.

On hand for the event were many local representatives, as well as Governor Robert Bentley, who has touted economic development as his main focus in the current, down economy. “Jobs should be our number one goal and number one issue,” Governor Bentley said before the large crowd, gathered in the heat to celebrate the groundbreaking.

Bentley said as he goes around to other states that they “look at Alabama and they say the great thing is that we all work together… everything’s local.”

Local representatives echoed the governor’s remarks. Riverside mayor Rusty Jessup noted that city officials from surrounding areas were on hand, a sign of solidarity within St. Clair County.

“This is one of the greatest days Riverside has ever seen,” Jessup said of the project, which has been two years in the making. “Today it has finally arrived and we appreciate NuFab and everything they’re creating.

“Instead of pulling each other apartr, we’ve learned the lesson of pulling each other together,” St. Clair County Commission Chairman Stan Batemon said of how his county is working through hardships to help bring business and industry to the area. “This is what this is about: community togetherness is what’s important here.”

“If you look at the state of Alabama now, compared to others with unemployment, our numbers are coming down quicker,” State Senator Del Marsh said. He said government not hindering, but making it easier for business and industry is key to fostering that. “The more efficient our government is, the less pressure on private business.”

Nufab Rebar LLC is a fabricator of concrete reinforcing steel and related products.  In August 2008, Nufab Rebar LLC was acquired by Harris Steel Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Nucor Corporation Since the company’s inception in 2005, it has grown to 10 southern U.S. locations with headquarters in Auburn, Indiana. The company plans to invest in the facility on its site just off the I-20 exit.

“This project reflects the importance state and local partnerships in attracting new jobs and economic development to Alabama,” Governor Robert Bentley said.  “We have worked hard to create a positive business climate, and we are pleased that the State of Alabama could play a role in bringing new jobs to St. Clair County.  Further, we thank Nufab Rebar for the company’s investment in the state, and we look forward to a long-term, positive relationship with the company.”

Because of the new jobs, the City of Riverside was granted a $1 Million Industrial Access Grant from the Alabama Industrial Access Road & Bridge Program for road improvements.  These improvements will provide safe and suitable access to the site for the company and surrounding users.  The City of Riverside also has a pending grant through the Economic Development Administration for a future public rail spur that the company will utilize.

“All of us at Nufab Rebar are very excited to be building our new facility in the City of Riverside.  We will begin construction of a fabrication facility that will create over 80 new jobs.  The new facility will fabricate rebar for use in reinforced concrete construction projects throughout Alabama and its surrounding states. We have worked very closely with Riverside Mayor Jessup, the Economic Development Council, St. Clair County officials and other city staff, and appreciate the assistance and support that they have provided for this project,” said Dennis Swinney, Nufab Rebar LLC.

Alabama Department of Commerce Secretary Greg Canfield expressed his appreciation to the company for the jobs that will be created for the citizens of the St. Clair County area.

“Securing up to 80 new jobs for this community and for St. Clair County is significant.  We appreciate Nufab Rebar’s confidence in Alabama’s business climate,” Canfield said.  “We stand ready to work with the company to help it prosper in Alabama for years to come.”

“We are very thrilled, not only for everyone in Riverside, but for all the St. Clair County citizens.  We would like to thank Mayor Jessup of Riverside, the EDC staff, and the Alabama Department of Commerce for all their hard work in bringing this project to fruition,” said Batemon.

“The announcement of Nufab Rebar LLC in Riverside is a monumental occasion for our community.  Not only is this company creating jobs in our city, it is also creating additional potential for growth.  The County, the EDC, and the Alabama Department of Commerce have walked alongside us in the recruitment process, and we feel that the decision to commit to constructing in Riverside along with the accrual of the $1 Million grant from ALDOT’s Industrial Access, Road and Bridge Fund, which is the largest amount of grant money ever received by this community, will move us toward our brighter future,” Jessup said.

“This project is already having positive effects on the City of Riverside in the form of infrastructure grants and direct revenue from the company for the benefit of the community.  Nufab Rebar is a quality company and will have an incredible impact on Riverside going forward,” said Don Smith, executive director St. Clair County Economic Development Council.