‘God has been all in this’
Published 5:00 am Saturday, April 23, 2022
- Odenville Mayor Rodney Christian and OneEighty Church representatives break ground on new church development next to the All American Ford dealership in Odenville. Photo by Jamie Browder
The ideas for a new church building started as just an idea scribbled on a napkin between James Barker, eventual project manager, and Gresh Harbuck, the pastor.
OneEighty Church has operated 11 years out of a rented space, but now the ground has been broken on building a new church on land owned by the organization.
The property is located next to the All American Ford dealership that is considered to be in the city of Odenville.
“We got this 18 acres, on a hill, and I feel like this is the exact property God has for us. So, our goal is to do exactly what we were doing in Springville,” said Gresh.
The property, which is empty as of now, did belong to a pastor already who had no interest in selling his land. However, Barker said the owner took a special liking to Church OneEighty and decided to follow through with the sale.
“We got it at a very good price, right now it’s worth double what we paid for it. It’s crazy the way all of this has worked out and there’s no doubt in my mind, God has been all in this,” said Barker.
Barker said this was all part of a plan they prayed for once they decided they wanted to set their own roots down in St. Clair County.
Already, they invite people from all walks of life to “help the hurting and broken” as they hold services every Sunday.
Gresh said the passion behind moving, is to have the opportunity to bring in new church members. He hopes it will allow him and his congregation to teach more people how to engage in their faith and live “live out the purpose of their Christianity.”
“It’s my goal to teach a congregation to serve, love and to give to a community. I want to encourage them, not discourage them. We’re here to be of service. Whatever Odenville or Springville need,” said Gresh.
Gresh said he doesn’t believe the culture of his congregation will change during the move because it has always been considered a community church. Many come from Springville, Oneonta, Odenville and even a few travel as far as from Atlanta.
John Rich, lay leader of OneEighty Church, said he’s hoping even more will begin visiting their services. He said the culture hardwired into the DNA of the church is built on celebrating recovery. He said although there have been struggles during this transitional period, it seemed like all obstacles kept getting taken out of the way.
The building is projected to be completed in 12-18 months.