Springville Happenings
Published 2:21 pm Thursday, September 13, 2018
- The Springville JV and Middle School Football teams both faced off against Ashville on Tuesday, September 4. Photo courtesy of SHS
The Springville High School Lady Tigers and JV Lady Tigers celebrated volleyball wins on September 6 against Ashville and Shades Valley.
The Springville JV and Middle School Football teams both faced off against Ashville on Tuesday, September 4.
The Friends of Big Canoe Creek and the Alabama’s Forever Wild program organized a BioBlitz for the new Big Canoe Creek Nature Preserve in Springville on August 17 and 18 with several volunteers and university students on hand. . A BioBlitz is an intense period of biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within a designated area.
The Springville Preservation Society will host its 2nd Annual Rock School, Ice Cream Social. It will be held on Sunday afternoon, September 23 from 2-4 p.m. at the Rock School located on Pine Street. For more information or to donate, contact www.springvillepreservation.org/.
The Springville High School Softball Team is hosting “Fall Youth Camp Nights” for grades 1st – 4th on September 13, 20 and 27. Contact brandon.easterwood@sccboe.org or on twitter at @SprinvilleSB
Downtown Doodles – shirts will be on sale at the Historical Society Museum. They are printed on both sides with Doodles of Main Street from the 4-Way Stop down to about New Talladega Road. If you have questions please contact the gift shop manager at 205-542-4330 or 205-467-6051.
The Springville Farmers Market is open every weekend adjacent to Big Springs Park.
Springville Senior Center
- Ceramics classes on Mondays and Friday from 12 to 2 p.m..
- Quilting classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Sunrise Walking Group Fridays at the bridge at Big Springs Park at 9:30 a.m.
- Beginner Computer Classes are every Thursday at 9:30 a.m. at the Springville Public Library. All seniors are welcome. Register in the Main Library or call 205-467-2339.
Springville Library
- September 15 – American Girl Crafting Club, Sat. 11 a.m.
- September 18 – Adoption/Foster Care Support Group, Tuesday 5:30 p.m.
- September 19 – Homeschool Open House, Wed. 10 a.m.
- September 25 – Kids and Kin – Rainy Days, Tuesday 10 a.m.
The Springville Preservation Society is now taking reservations for use of the historic “Little House” located adjacent to the Police Department for events or meetings. Rates are $25 for 2 hours, $50 for four hours and $100 per day. Contact Sara Trotter or reservations at 205-467-3000.
Christ Community Church is offering monthly “Art Days” for kids ages 6-12, for $5. Register at art.springville.info
Christ Community Church is offering Grief Share classes. http://griefshare.springville.info
The Church at Bradford Road is offering a Divorce Support Group for Children every Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. Contact 205-467-7376.
Springville Police Department is presenting a Firearms Safety course, which is open to the public. The course includes two hour classroom training and two hours actual training on the firing range by two certified NRA instructors. You may sign up by calling Lauri Jones at 205-467-6133. The next class will be posted soon.
The Springville Civil Air Patrol meets every Tuesday from 6 – 8:30 p.m. at the National Guard Armory. The age requirement is 12-18 years of age and adults may also join as senior members. Cadets learn leadership skills, aerospace, character development, as well as team work and piloting skills. Contact Shannon Young, Civil Air Patrol- Public Affairs Officer, 205-960-7164 or at https://www.facebook.com/SpringvilleCAP/