Springville Happenings

Published 1:08 pm Friday, October 11, 2019

The SYA Springville Soccer Boys U10 Predators and Girls U11 Storm Teams both placed as first runner-up at the Birmingham Bash Area BUSA Soccer Tournament on September 29.

Congratulations to Springville City Council Member, Sherry Reaves for receiving her certification with the Alabama League of Municipal Leadership Program on October 3.

Springville Elementary School recognized the Fifth grade, September Students of the Month.

Springville Events

The Springville Preservation Society will host a Historic Cemetery Walk on October 20 and 27 from 2-4 p.m. touring the Fuller Cemetery each Sunday. The tour will begin at the Fuller Cemetery adjacent to the Springville Police Department.

Virgil Winslett, the principal of the Springville High School, is currently battling a rare form of cancer. On Saturday, Oct. 19, The Warriors for Winslett Benefit Motorcycle Ride and fundraiser will be at SHS starting at 9 a.m. including live music, food, raffle/auction, trophies given for Best in Show, Best Paint, and Best Chrome for motorcycles and fun activities for all ages. There will be a $5 admission for ages 6 and up.

Springville Schools

SHS Tigers Football:

Aug. 22: SHS vs. Hayden (H) 28-6 Won

Aug. 30: SHS vs. Ashville (H) 10-7 Won

Sept. 6 : SHS vs. Sylacauga (H) Lost 21-42

Sept. 13: Clay Central vs. SHS (A) Lost 7-42

Sept. 20: SHS vs. Munford (HOMECOMING) Lost 13-45

Sept. 27: Crossville vs. SHS (A) Won 44-14

Oct. 4: Center Point vs. SHS (A)

Oct. 11 : Moody vs. SHS (A)

Oct. 18: SHS vs. Jordan (H) Pink Out!

Oct. 25: SHS vs. SCCHS (H) Senior Night!

The Springville High School Key Club members are taking orders for red, Alabama grown poinsettias that will be delivered between Nov. 15 and Dec. 14. The students are raising money for several different local charities and State convention expenses. The plants come in the following sizes and prices: 6 inch-$10, 8 inch-$15, 10 inch- $20. Orders and money are due by Oct. 31. Please contact Mrs. Umphrey or a SHS Key Club member to order yours today! Cash or Check accepted.

Springville Parks and Recreation

Springville Youth Basketball registration is now open for 12U, 10U, 8U, and 6U boys and girls. Deadline is October 26. For more information and to register go to: quickscores.com/springvillebasketball

The Splash Pad at Big Springs Park is closed until May 2020. For Big Springs Park Pavilion rental information, please call 205-467-0265 or parks-rec@springvillealabama.org

Springville Library

Oct. 12: American Girl Club, 11 a.m.

Oct. 15 : 4-H Rockets Away Science, 10:30 a.m.

Oct. 16 : Puzzles at the Library, 9 a.m.

Oct. 17: Teen Pumpkin Painting, 5 p.m.

Oct. 18: Antebellum Ghost Stories, 10:30 a.m.

Oct. 19 : Genealogy with Kathy Burttram, 10:30 a.m.

Oct. 25 : Online Coupons and Rebates, 12 p.m.

Oct. 29 : Lego Builders, 4:30 p.m.

*Registration requested

Springville Senior Center

The Springville Senior Center offers ceramics classes, quilting classes, Mexican Train Dominoes, a Sunrise Walking Group and much more. Contact at 205-467-6022. Hours are Monday -Friday 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Oct. 16: Pancake Breakfast

Oct. 17: Shopping Trip

Oct. 18: Antebellum Ghost Stories at the library

Oct. 29: Soap making

Oct. 31: Halloween Party and Movie

Springville Preservation Society

The Springville Preservation Society is now taking reservations for use of the historic “Little House” located adjacent to the Police Department for events or meetings. Rates are $40 for two hours; $75 for four hours; and $125 per day. For reservations call Gayle Hammonds at 205-937-3071 or Paulette Kelly at 205-467-3971.

Community Meetings and Classes

One-Eighty Church in Springville offers “Celebrate Recovery” Meetings on Friday Nights: 6 p.m. – Dinner, 7 p.m. – Worship/Large Group, 8:15 p.m. – Small Groups. Loicated at 5770 US Highway 11, Springville, Alabama. Call 205-467-3563 or http://oechurch.org.

Christ Community Church is offering Grief Share classes: griefshare.springville.info

The Church at Bradford Road is offering a Divorce Support Group for Children every Tuesday from 6-8 p.m. Contact 205-467-7376.

Springville Police Department is presenting a Firearms Safety course, which is open to the public. The course includes two hour classroom training and two hours actual training on the firing range by two certified NRA instructors. You may sign up by calling Lauri Jones at 205-467-6133. The next class will be posted soon.

The Springville Civil Air Patrol meets every Tuesday from 6 – 8:30 p.m. at the National Guard Armory. The age requirement is 12-18 years of age and adults may also join as senior members. Cadets learn leadership skills, aerospace, character development, as well as team work and piloting skills. Contact Vesla Young, Civil Air Patrol- Public Affairs Officer, 205-253-1368 or at facebook.com/SpringvilleCAP/