Latest Around The Home Front

Around The Home Front

“The Longest Day”: D-Day Survivor Hilman Prestridge

It was a chilly day in Pell City when I went to visit 95-year-old Hilman Prestridge at the ...

Around The Home Front

Honoring Veterans

Driving down I-20 or Hwy 231, one of the first things people might notice is the huge American ...

Around The Home Front

An Agent Orange Success Story

Agent Orange was a herbicide used by the U.S. military from 1962 to 1975, named for the orange ...

Around The Home Front

Veterans Day…thank a vet.

Veterans Day, formerly known as Armistice Day, was originally set as a U.S. legal holiday to honor the ...

Around The Home Front

Proper etiquette, care of American flag important to local veteran

As St. Clair County resident Faye Pino turned the corner of the aisle at a local thrift store, ...

Around The Home Front

Dr. Michael Barber and Friends performing songs you’ll remember Aug. 14

In days gone by, folks gathered on the porch at the end of day. In the south, one ...

Around The Home Front

Fourth of July Events

Here is a list of Fourth of July Celebrations happening in your area!  ASHVILLE: July 4: St. Clair ...

Around The Home Front

D-Day 75: Nations honor veterans, memory of fallen troops

OMAHA BEACH, France (AP) — With the silence of remembrance and respect, nations honored the memory of the ...

Around The Home Front

Honoring Veterans

A Veterans Day service was held at Robert L. Howard State Veteran’s Home on Nov. 11 in Pell ...

Around The Home Front

“I get my daddy back today!” Air Force father surprises daughter at school

Moody, AL – Moody Elementary first grade student Kayleigh Ruff hadn’t seen her dad since the day after ...

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