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Cnhi Network

Lest we forget: Remembering the Bedford Boys 75 years later

It’s been 75 years since the “Bedford Boys” — part of Company A of the 116th Regiment of ...


Elvis is in the building! ‘Four Weddings and an Elvis’ coming to CEPA

Lines are memorized, the set is built, and tickets are on sale.  The only missing piece now is ...


‘Every Child Matters—Celebrating 25 years’ The Children’s Place celebrates 25th Anniversary

The Children’s Place St. Clair Children Advocacy Center has served survivors of child abuse and their families since ...


City of Pell City receives ALM Silver Risk Management Award

The City of Pell City was recently awarded a Silver Risk Management Award by the insurance divisions of ...


St. Clair Co. youth receive livestock awards

Two outstanding St. Clair County youth in livestock were awarded scholarships by the Poarch Band of Creek Indians ...


Major bills moving as session hits final stretch

With days winding down in the Alabama Legislature’s 2018 Regular Session, major legislation is starting to move and ...


Fashion fundraiser for local fire-medic displays all the hottest trends

Celebrations in Pell City hosted a fashion show fundraiser on March 25 to support Trevor Moore, local fire-medic ...


Easter Food Service for area households

The Christian Love Pantry with the support of Aultman Dental and the Community Food Bank of Central Alabama ...


St. Clair County Extension now recruiting for next Master Gardener class

Spring is right around the corner when many of our thoughts turn to gardening. Have you always wanted ...


EWBC 2nd Annual Fun Run/Walk/Roll (Photo Gallery)

Eden Westside Baptist Church (EWBC) in Pell City held their 2nd Annual 3k, 5k and One-Mile Fun Run/Walk/Roll on ...
