Leeds to hold second public event for citywide comprehensive plan

Published 12:12 pm Monday, June 17, 2024

The city of Leeds is continuing work on its comprehensive plan, “Imagine Leeds.” All residents and interested residents are welcome to attend the plan’s second community event on Thursday, June 20, at 5:30 at the City Hall Annex, 1412 9th Street. This will involve an update on the plan’s progress and interactive exercises to determine long-term priorities. According to a press release, the plan is part of a “city-wide planning process to make Leeds better place to live, work, and play. It is a plan developed by our citizens for our citizens, which addresses a wide variety of issues, including land use, transportation, housing, recreation and economic development.”

The IMAGINE process provides the community an opportunity to guide land use and development to meet the future needs and of Leeds. Officials say the plan update will enable the city to “refine our vision to strategically maintain and enhance the quality of life for our community.”

This is a public process, and the city wants to involve as many residents as possible. There have been several opportunities for public involvement, including a kickoff community meeting and an online survey. A series of public meetings and events will be included in the planning process. The first of these meetings was held with residents on Jan. 11.

“This is a great opportunity for citizen input and a chance to have a voice in directing the City’s future,” said Mayor David Miller.

For more information about Imagine Leeds comprehensive plan or the city of Leeds, visit imagineleeds.com and https://leedsalabama.gov.