Education Notebook

Published 9:10 am Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Victory Christian School 7th and 9th graders competed in a science fair Jan. 21. Students competed in biological and non biological categories.

Duran North held their science fair Jan. 24. Students participated in several categories that would help them potentially move on to the Central Alabama Regional Science and Engineering Fair (CARSEF). Students began working on their projects in October 2019 doing research, writing a research paper, testing their experiment and ending with presenting their projects and findings to a panel of judges.

Kindergarten/Daycare of First Baptist Church Pell City celebrated National School Choice week Jan. 27-31. According to, National School Choice week shines a spotlight on effective education options for children. NSCW recognizes all K-12 options, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, public magnet schools, private schools, online academies, and homeschooling. The events of this week, raise public awareness of the different K-12 educations options available to children and families. To learn more about NSCW go to

Students from Coosa Valley Elementary School were recognized for being present for at least half of the school day, everyday, during the first semester of school. Attendance is a real focus for Pell City Schools this year. Congratulations to these students.

Elizabeth Davenport from Victory Christian School was awarded the Bryant-Jordan Student-Athlete Scholarship. Davenport is a senior at Victory Christian and hopes to attend Oral Roberts in Tulsa, Okla. in the fall. Davenport is very active within her school and church. She plays volleyball, tennis and cheers. On top of sports, she is also in beta club, key club, leader of the elementary school chapel worship and serves as a peer tutor.

The following students were chosen as Pell City High School students of the month: Sydney Miller (9th), Jayna Estell (10th), Alisha Woods (11th), Diego Esquivel (12th). Congratulations to these students for being outstanding examples and leaders.