Lakeside Hospice celebrates Hospice Awareness Month

Published 6:02 pm Thursday, November 22, 2018

Lakeside Hospice held an open house and luncheon to the public to share what they do for the community.

Lakeside Hospice was founded in 1991 as a non-profit hospice serving eight counties in Central Alabama.

Lakeside Hospice provides medical care, pain management and emotional and spiritual support tailored to patient’s needs.  Support is provided to family members through their respite care program for caregivers. 

“At Lakeside we provide quality compassionate care for people facing life-limiting illness,” said Paul Garing, Executive Director of Lakeside Hospice.

They have a total of 24 volunteers and five volunteer groups that help with various office duties, building maintenance, respite care and numerous other tasks.   Respite care is the current greatest need for volunteers.  Their current average patient census is 41 with a total number of patients served last year of 189. 

“At Lakeside Hospice “We Are Partnering With People At End of Journey” and we do so “Regardless Of Their Ability To Pay,” said Garing.