Moody Lions present 202 dictionaries to 3rd graders
Published 2:13 pm Friday, November 1, 2019
- Moody Lions Club members presented 202 dictionaries to students at Moody Elementary School on Wednesday, October 16. Photo courtesy of Moody Lions
Moody Lions Club members presented 202 dictionaries to students at Moody Elementary School on Wednesday, October 16.
Nine members of the Moody Lions Club met at Moody Elementary School to prepare for the presentation. Lions Herschel, Linda Coleman, Larry and Linda Golden, David and Michelle McGowen, Vernon and Jane Barker and Steve Sink spent the next few hours meeting each third grade students and their teachers.
When the students received their dictionaries it had their name on the first page. The dictionary belongs to them. A total of 202 dictionaries were distributed to students and to some teachers. This has been an annual service project for the Moody Lions Club for fifteen years. To date the Moody Lions have given approximately 3,375 dictionaries to MES third grade students.
This project and other service projects done by the Moody Lions are supported by fundraisers. The latest fundraiser is a raffle of a Sig Sauer 9MM Compact Pistol to be held on November 18. Any Moody Lion can take a donation of $5 for a ticket on this raffle. A fundraiser planned for February has some people excited–it will be a concert with dinner. The chatter is that “Elvis” is coming to Moody. If interested speak to a Moody Lion.
Fundraisers provide Lions with the funds to assist when there is a need. The motto of the Lions Club is “We Serve” and with support of our fundraisers they will continue to do so.
If you are interested in being part of an organization that’s main purpose is to serve others contact a member of your local Lions Club. Moody Lions contact Lion Pres. Jane Barker-205-640-6506. If you live in Leeds, the President of the Leeds Lions Club is Dr. Rick Palma 205-767-5119.