Pell City Library to host “World-Wide Knit in Public Day” Event
Published 11:04 am Friday, June 7, 2019
- knitting
Love to knit? Consider being a part of the largest knitter-run event in the world on Saturday, June 8from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. as the Pell City Public Library hosts a “World Wide Knit in Public” event at their facility.
From Canada to New Zealand, Oregon to Alabama, hundreds of knitters will gather at designated locations to be a part of this event. Knitters will join locally, along with hundreds of other knitters around the world, on this special day.
What is “World-Wide Knit in Public Day?” It began in 2005 by Danielle Landes as a reason to bring knitters together to a enjoy a mutual interest. In 2005, only 25 local events were scheduled at different places worldwide. By 2006, the number had grown to 70, and by 2008, over 800 events were scheduled. As of 2016, the number of “Knit in Public” venues had risen to 1015 in 57 countries! It’s all about showing that knitting isn’t just for grannies, but for all ages, and all communities, who enjoy the art.
The library welcomes knitters of all ages and levels of ability to join the fun on Saturday, June 8. The event is free, and participants must bring their own materials and projects to participate.
You may also bring along a special finished project to share with the group, if you’d like.
They’ll have door prizes, just for fun, and light refreshments. They’ll be knitting indoors (in Room 2) at the Library/ Municipal Complex. This event is open to those who prefer to do other fiber arts projects as well, such as crochet, needlepoint, embroidery, etc. Beginners are also welcome; teachers will be available to assist as needed. Children are also welcome, but those under 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
For more information, please contact the Pell City Public Library at 205-884-1015.