Dr. Michael Barber and Friends performing songs you’ll remember Aug. 14

Published 11:03 am Monday, August 12, 2019

In days gone by, folks gathered on the porch at the end of day. In the south, one could expect stories and music to follow in goodly portions!

Step back in time on Wednesday, August 14 at noon, at the Pell City Public Library during this year of Bicentennial celebrations, as they share the music and camaraderie with Dr. Michael Barber and friends. Be ready to tap your feet and sing along, if you wish, as Barber and friends bring a crowd-pleasing mix of bluegrass and gospel favorites!

The event is free and open to the public. It is planned in connection with the library’s 2019 Adult Summer Reading and Programming series. Those wishing to participate in the reading segment of the series may still register, and read with opportunity to win incredible prizes provided by local merchants, the Pell City Library Guild and Writers Anonymous. All the programs are free and all are welcome to attend!

Be sure to join them on Wednesday, August 14 at noon in the library. Dr. Barber and Friends will be performing the songs that you’ll remember, and you will not want to miss it!