Cooking with JFL: Snacks for the big game

Published 4:06 pm Thursday, January 31, 2013

Helping hand for hot dogs

Everyone loves hot dogs at the game. But sometimes don’t they just get a bit old?

We sought to spice up our favorite party pleaser, and save a few bucks doing it.

Brining is a  great way to add flavor for less, the salt helps pull water out of the meat and replace it with other flavors. You could replace some of the water in the brine with stock or vinegar for example. But it is good to keep some water.

My hot dog sauce is a creamy, tangy way to take those classic hot dog flavors and give them a new twist. If you like ketchup you could replace a ¼ cup of the mustard with ketchup. I am  not a fan of the ketchup, but it can be a great additive for you sweet tooths out there.

Brined Dogs

1 package Nathan’s hot dogs

Cold water to cover, about 2 fluid cups

2 tbsp rice wine vinegar

2 tbsp salt

1 tbsp red pepper

1 tsp light brown sugar

1 tsp cardamom

Mix ingredients and place in an airtight container. Then cover dogs and leave to brine overnight before broiling the next day.

JFL’s Hot Dog Sauce

1 cup sour cream

1 cup yellow mustard

1 banana pepper, seeded and minced

3 tbsp yellow onion, minced

1 clove garlic, minced

½ cup sauerkraut

1 tsp coriander

1 tbsp fresh cilantro

Salt and pepper to taste

Mince veggies in a food processor until well minced. Then fold all the ingredients together with a rubber spatula in a metal mixing bowl. Serve the sauce chilled to top dogs.

We actually like to broil our brined dogs; but feel free to grill them if you’d like. Toasting the buns is another great way to add texture and flavor without costing a thing. Enjoy the big game and with these dogs. In the end, your mouth and wallet will certainly be winners, regardless of how the team you’re rooting for does in the game.

Bolstering the bar

[NOTE: Remember to enjoy cocktails responsibly and always use a designated driver if out enjoying the big game away from home.]

Manhattans, Daiquiris. Negronis, and Old Fashioneds are all classics any cocktail fan should know and know well. They are easy to make in your home too. But over at Rated R Cocktails we’re all about bringing some new flavors to your bar. To as you prepare for your Super Bowl party we’re going to give you two classics, and two Rated R originals every bar should know.

Remember: to make simple syrup, just microwave a cup of water for one minute and add an equal part of sugar. Stir to combine until everything is dissolved and bottle before refrigerating. You can even sweeten tea, coffee, and lemonade easily with this mixture.

Old Fashioned

2 oz dark rum, Cognac, or any whiskey

¼  to 1 oz simple syrup

2 dashes cocktail bitters

1 orange peel for garnish

Stir your ingredients together with ice vigorously and then strain over large cocktail ice then garnish for service. This is a handy tool as you can explore all manner of spirits and bitters combinations.

Not just bourbon and Angostura, though that’s good, too. The amount of sugar largely depends on the spirit you choose. I use far less sugar for rum or bourbon.


2 oz white or gold rum

1 oz fresh lime juice

¾ oz 1 oz simple syrup

Shake together with ice vigorously until the outside of your tin is frosted a bit. Then strain into a chilled coupe or cocktail glass.

This drink has been given a bad rap by slushie machines and ignorant bartenders of the 1980s. The original drink was always shaken, and is one of our favorites. For rums, we recommend Cruzan, Old New Orleans, Flor De Cana, and Brugal, but please try to stay away from Bacardi. Sadly the stuff has become so flavorless and vodka-like it’s not a proper daiquiri rum anymore. I guess good add campaigns don’t always translate to good taste.

Dr. Phibes

1 oz Virgin Islands white rum

½ oz dark Jamaican rum

½ cinnamon syrup

½ ruby port

¾ lime juice

1 tsp absinthe

Shake together with ice and strain into a coupe before garnishing with mint. We created this drink to honor our hero Vincent Price and one of our favorite movie monsters.

You’ll pay a little for the absinthe, but it’s an essential flavor component in this and many drinks like the Sazerac. To make the cinnamon syrup, merely smash four cinnamon sticks into a pot containing a cup of sugar and water.  Bring to a boil than reduce heat and simmer for two minutes. Turn off the heat and cover for four hours before straining, bottling and refrigerating.

The Carioca Affair

1 ½ oz Appleton V/X

½ oz Benedictine

1 oz pineapple juice

½  oz fresh lime juice

1/3 oz passion fruit syrup

1 dash Angostura bitters

Combine in a shaker before filling with ice and shaking vigorously. Then strain into a chilled coupe or cocktail glass. This is my take on a classic pineapple daiquiri inspired by a lighter recipe from the 1950s. To make the passion fruit syrup we take frozen Goya passion fruit pulp and then thaw it and combine it with an equal portion of simple syrup. We then bottle and refrigerate it for use later.

With these in your repertoire you can’t lose this Sunday even if your team does. Check out for more drinks, and for game time snacks.