Leeds chamber members get marketing tips

Published 6:42 pm Thursday, March 27, 2025

The Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce welcomed Dona Bonnett, owner of Advertising Business and Marketing Strategies, as the March 20, luncheon speaker. With more than 24 years in marketing, Bonnett shared insights on visibility, PR and branding.
A few of her top tips include:
— First impressions matter. Make sure your storefront reflects your brand.
— Know your audience.
— Mix it up. Social media, email, PR, ads and events all work better together.
— Collaborate and network.
— Tell your story.
— Invest in professional branding for credibility.
Bonnett also stressed to members to maximize chamber benefits – attend events, become an ambassador and promote on chamber platforms.
Leeds High School DECA students, Kamdyn Eaves, Steicy Jimenez and Brayden Davis shared how their organization is shaping future business leaders.
Members in attendance included Dona Bonnett – adr Business and Marketing Strategies; Amy Lee – Executive Director, Leeds Area Chamber of Commerce; Steve Karr – Chamber Board President, Leeds Arts Council; Karen and Steve Holloman – Modern Woodmen luncheon sponsors. (Back row, left to right): Steven Weems – First Baptist Church Leeds; Casey Parsons – Guild Mortgage; Debbie Watkins – Bob Watkins Realty; and Emanuel Vallejo – Kinetic.